Søk: 'identities'
Exploring the Interrelationships Between the State and Disabled People: Discourses, Institutions, and Identities
ISBN 9780902194311 , 1998 , Claire Edwards
Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: The History of Archaeology in 19th- and 20th-century Greece
ISBN 9780754652892 , 2006 , D. Voutsaki
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labor History
ISBN 9781571817877 , 2002
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labour History
ISBN 9781571813015 , 2002
Women's human rights and legal pluralism in Africa: mixed norms and identities in infertility management in Zimbabwe
ISBN 9788251837811 , 1999 , Anne Hellum, Julie E. Stewart
An Analysis of Ageism, the Challenges it Presents to the Personal Identities of Elders and the Prospects for Development, in Social Work Practice, of Positive Identity Work with Elders
ISBN 9780901244598 , 1996 , Jez Millen