Søk: 'A Handbook of Comparative Social Policy'
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Surveys in Social Research
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A Policy Framework for Education,Community,Outreach (ECO)
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Understanding Social Media
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Machinery's Handbook Guide
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Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution
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Clinical neuropsychology: a pocket handbook for assessment
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Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation
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Doctoring Together: A Study of Professional Social Control
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Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval
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Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics
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the morality of Chinese foreign policy
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The Child and the State in India: Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective
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Philosophy of Social Science: Philosophical Issues in Social Thought
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Port Designer's Handbook
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The Handbook of Play Therapy
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A Distant Light: Scientists in the Policy Process
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