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Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah
ISBN 9780231134996 , 2006 , Olivier Roy
Japanese new religions: in global perspective
ISBN 9780700711857 , 2000 , Peter Bernard Clarke
Stranger and friend: the way of an anthropologist
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Emerging Class in Papua New Guinea: The Telling of Difference
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New Poverty: Families in Postmodern Society
ISBN 9780275965846 , 1999 , David Cheal
Beyond US Hegemony?: Assessing the Prospects for a Multipolar World
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How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
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How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
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Beyond Significance Testing: Reforming Data Analysis Methods in Behavioral Research
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Broad and Living Way: Church and State - A Continuing Establishment
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Community work in the Nordic countries - new trends
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Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New Challenges
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Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Advantage Edition
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Studyguide for Marriages, Families, and Intimate Relationships: A Practical Introduction by Williams, ISBN 9780205521456
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Belgrade and beyond: the CSCE process in perspective
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Cults and New Religious Movements: A Reader
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The Invisible Partners: How the Male and Female in Each of Us Affects Our Relationships
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A New Introduction to Sociology
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