Søk: 'Cases in Marketing Management'
Contemp Marketing Research 3e
ISBN 9780314061225 , 1996 , 3. utgave , Carl D. McDaniel, Roger H. Gates
Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
ISBN 9781118194492 , 2012 , Dave Evans
Operations Management
ISBN 9780415249249 , 2003 , Nigel Slack, Michael A. Lewis
Time Management
ISBN 9780071406109 , 2003 , Marc Mancini
Dynamic Optimization: The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management
ISBN 9780486488561 , 2012 , Morton I. Kamien, Nancy Lou Schwartz
Exploring Direct and Customer Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9781861529015 , 2004 , Martin J. Evans, Lisa O'Malley,m.fl.
Principles of Marketing/MyMarketingLab European Edition
ISBN 9780273720645 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, John A. Saunders,m.fl.
International Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781782546221 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Operations Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780077169527 , 2014 , William J. Stevenson
Connecting mathematical ideas: middle school video cases to support teaching and learning
ISBN 9780325006703 , 2005 , Jo Boaler, Cathy Humphreys
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach.
ISBN 9780071267045 , 2008 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management
ISBN 9788215020235 , 2012 , Richard R. Gesteland
Organizational Behavior and Management
ISBN 9781259060595 , 2013 , John M. Ivancevich
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy
ISBN 9780131268463 , 2004 , Christopher H. Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz
Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273685005 , 2004 , Patrick De Pelsmacker, Maggie Geuens,m.fl.
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
ISBN 9781292023700 , 2013 , Gary Dessler
Marketing: forventninger, tilfredshet og kvalitet
ISBN 9788276744705 , 1999
Retailing management
ISBN 9780072315776 , 2001 , Michael Levy, Barton A. Weitz
Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science
ISBN 9783211998717 , 2010 , Alfred Taudes
Pinto: Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage Global Edition
ISBN 9780273767428 , 2012 , Jeffrey K. Pinto
Management Accounting for Business
ISBN 9781408017715 , 2009 , Colin Drury
Service Operations Management: Improving Service Delivery
ISBN 9780273740483 , 2012 , Robert Johnston
Introduction To Agribusiness Marketing
ISBN 9780134863825 , 1994 , George J. Seperich, Michael W. Woolverton,m.fl.
Case studies in sustainability management and strategy: the oikos collection
ISBN 9781906093013 , 2007 , Jost Hamschmidt
ISBN 9780135516720 , 1989 , James Arthur Finch Stoner, R. Edward Freeman
In search of excellence in project management: successful practices in high performance organizations
ISBN 9780442027063 , 1998 , Harold Kerzner
Quality Management Essentials
ISBN 9780750667869 , 2006 , David Hoyle
Internal Fixators: Concepts and Cases Using LCP and LISS
ISBN 9783131435514 , 2006 , Michael Wagner, Robert Frigg
Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9781856175227 , 2008 , Francis Buttle
Management Science Modeling
ISBN 9780324663464 , 2008 , Wayne L. Winston, S. Christian Albright