Søk: 'Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy'
Innovation Management: Strategy and Implementation using the Pentathlon Framework, Second Edition
ISBN 9780230205826 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Keith Goffin, Rick Mitchell
Creative Strategy in Advertising
ISBN 9780534522636 , 1997 , A. Jerome Jewler, Bonnie L. Drewniany
CIM Coursebook 08/09 Marketing Essentials
ISBN 9781856175036 , 2012
Readings in organizational behaviour in Nigeria
ISBN 9789780230241 , 1995 , Aloy Maduka Ejiogu, Nnamdi Asika, Iheanyi Achumba
A Seriously Useful Author's Guide to Marketing and Publicising Books
ISBN 9781848761513 , 2009 , Mary Cavanagh
Exploring Web Marketing and Project Management Interactive Workbook
ISBN 9780130163967 , 2000 , Donald Emerick, Kimberlee Round
Architect's Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780471463641 , 2004 , David Koren
Analysis for Marketing Planning
ISBN 9780072865967 , 2004 , Donald R. Lehmann, Russell S. Winer
Case studies in sustainability management and strategy: the oikos collection
ISBN 9781906093013 , 2007 , Jost Hamschmidt
Arms, Economics and British Strategy: From Dreadnoughts to Hydrogen Bombs
ISBN 9780521867481 , 2007 , George C. Peden, Hew Strachan, Geoffrey Wawro
Ethics in Social Marketing
ISBN 9780878408207 , 2001 , Alan R. Andreasen
Marketing Research, 7th Edition
ISBN 9780471363408 , 2001 , 7. utgave , David A. Aaker, V. Kumar
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780039227845 , 1992 , Beckman, M. Dale, Boone, Louis E, Kurtz, David L
The Feminist Teacher Anthology: Pedagogies and Classroom Strategy
ISBN 9780807762967 , 1998 , Elisabeth Daumer, Sue Lafky, Sandra Runzo,m.fl.
Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation, and control
ISBN 9780135562673 , 1988 , Philip Kotler
Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice
ISBN 9781559388559 , 1995 , Teresa A. Swartz, David A. Bowen,m.fl.
Biotechnology for the Environment: Strategy and fundamentals. Vol. 3A
ISBN 9781402005299 , 2002 , Spyridon Nicholas Agathos, Spiros N. Agathos,m.fl.
Chaotic Behaviour of Deterministic Dissipative Systems
ISBN 9780521438308 , 1995 , Milos Marek, Igor Schreiber, A.R. Sagdeeva
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Strategy
ISBN 9781412947879 , 2008 , Martin Kornberger, Chris Carter
The economics of strategy
ISBN 9780471598497 , 1996 , David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark T. Shanley
Applications in Basic Marketing 2006-2007 to Accompany Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780071116404 , 2006 , William D. Perreault Jr.
Business Essentials - Advanced Marketing and Sales (HND Endorsed Title)
ISBN 9780751744835 , 2007 , BPP Learning Media Ltd
Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace
ISBN 9780273655442 , 2005 , Bernard Burnes, Joanne Silvester, Fiona Patterson,m.fl.
Ambiguity and Deterrence: British Nuclear Strategy, 1945-1964
ISBN 9780198280125 , 1995
A Handbook of Marketing Mathematics: With Automatic Spreadsheets for Quantitative Marketing
ISBN 9781403342706 , 2003 , Rowland Chidomere
A Handbook of Marketing Mathematics: With Automatic Spreadsheets for Quantitative Marketing
ISBN 9781403342713 , 2003 , Rowland Chidomere
Captains of consciousness: advertising and the social roots of the consumer culture
ISBN 9780465021550 , 2001
The Biology and management of lobsters. Volume I: Physiology and behaviour
ISBN 9780121774011 , 1980 , John Stanley Cobb, Bruce Frank Phillips
Strategy and Politics: Collected Essays, Volume One
ISBN 9780878553464 , 1980 , Edward N. Luttwak
Structural Fire Engineering Design: Materials Behaviour - Timber
ISBN 9781860817236 , 2004 , Vahik Enjily, J. Bregulla