Søk: 'Creativity and Practice Research Papers'
Netnography: Doing Ethnographic Research Online
ISBN 9781848606456 , 2009 , Robert V. Kozinets
Business Research Methods
ISBN 9780199284986 , 2007 , Alan Bryman, Emma Bell
Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780801487767 , 2002 , Jack Donnelly
Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in Play
ISBN 9788776743802 , 2009 , Suna Lowe Nielsen, Kim Klyver, Majbritt Evald,m.fl.
Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health
ISBN 9781849202299 , 2007 , Dr Sarah Earle, Moyra Sidell, Sue Spurr,m.fl.
Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health
ISBN 9781412930710 , 2007 , Sarah Earle, Moyra Sidell, Sue Spurr
MRI in Practice [With Access Code]
ISBN 9781444337433 , 2011 , John Talbot, Catherine Westbrook
Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415655828 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process
ISBN 9780761961062 , 1998 , Michael Crotty
Kingship and Political Practice in Colonial India
ISBN 9780521052290 , 2007 , Pamela G. Price
Educational Design Research
ISBN 9780415396356 , 2006 , Jan Van den Akker, Susan McKenney, Nienke Nieveen
Storytelling: Branding in Practice
ISBN 9783540883487 , 2010 , Klaus Fog, Philip Munch, Stephen Blanchette
Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. by Robert E. Slavin
ISBN 9780132613958 , 2011
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
ISBN 9780684840093 , 2010 , Eda Goldstein
Constructing Childhood: Theory, Policy and Social Practice
ISBN 9780333948910 , 2004 , Allison James, Adrian L. James
Corporate communications [electronic resource]: theory and practice
ISBN 9780761944355 , 2004 , Joep Cornelissen
International postmodernism: theory and literary practice
ISBN 9789027234438 , 1997 , Johannes Willem Bertens, Douwe Wessel Fokkema
International Postmodernism: Theory and Literary Practice
ISBN 9789027234452 , 1997 , Johannes Willem Bertens, Douwe Wessel Fokkema
Doing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781848600331 , 2009 , David Silverman
Designing Social Research
ISBN 9780745643373 , 2009
Ethnography Essentials: Designing, Conducting, and Presenting Your Research
ISBN 9780470343890 , 2010 , Julian Murchison
Ethnography: Principles in Practice
ISBN 9780415396059 , 2007 , Martyn Hammersley, Paul Atkinson, Dr
Exploring Research
ISBN 9780131229167 , 2003 , Neil J. Salkind, John Hornsby
The Theory and Practice of Hydrodynamics and Vibration
ISBN 9789810249212 , 2002
Research Methods and Organization Studies
ISBN 9780415084048 , 1989 , Alan Bryman
Applications of Case Study Research
ISBN 9781412989169 , 2011 , Robert K. Yin
Leadership and Diversity: Challenging Theory and Practice in Education
ISBN 9781412921824 , 2007 , Jacky Lumby, Marianne Coleman
Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780632063789 , 2004 , Laurence Robb
Marketing research essentials
ISBN 9780471684763 , 2005 , Carl D. McDaniel, Roger H. Gates
Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography
ISBN 9781412946971 , 2010