Søk: 'Cultural Theory: The Key Thinkers: The Key Thinkers'
Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition
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Organization Theory and the Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth
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Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject
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Contemporary sociology theory and its classical roots: the basics
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The Nature of Cultural Heritage And the Culture of Natural Heritage: Northern Perwspectives on a Contested Patrimony
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Archaeological Theory Today
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French Theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, and Co. Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States
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Sociological Theory
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Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity
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Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity
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Planning Theory
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New Methods for the Arbitrage Pricing Theory and the Present Value Model
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English grammar: theory and use
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Activity Analysis in the Theory of Growth and Planning
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The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
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A Common Law Theory of Judicial Review: The Living Tree
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Managing To Collaborate: The Theory And Practice Of Collaborative Advantage
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Women who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
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A Colllector's Guide to Costume Jewelry: Key Styles and how to recognise them, édition en langue anglaise
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Photography: A Cultural History
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(Re)constructing Armenia in Lebanon and Syria: Ethno-cultural Diversity and the State in the Aftermath of a Refugee Crisis
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Financial Accounting Theory
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A Cultural History of Humour: From Antiquity to the Present Day
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Theory in a Nutshell
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An introduction to the theory of numbers
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Development Theory
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The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
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Central Sites, Peripheral Visions: Cultural and Institutional Crossings in the History of Anthropology
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