Søk: 'Deeper Shades of Purple: Womanism in Religion and Society'
Global philosophy of religion: a short introduction
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One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society
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Det ellevte budet: religion og rock and roll
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The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society
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Brand Society: How Brands Transform Management and Lifestyle
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A Demonstration Of The Divine Authority Of The Law Of Nature And Of The Christian Religion (1681)
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Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Governance
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Religion i dagens Norge: mellom sekularisering og sakralisering
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Identity in Modern Society: A Social Psychological Perspective
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Civil Society and the Market Question: Dynamics of Rural Development and Popular Mobilization
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Market society: markets and modern social theory
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Greek religion.
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The psychology of religion: a short introduction
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The Psychology of Religion, Fourth Edition: An Empirical Approach
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Religion: The Social Context
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