Søk: 'Dialogues Across Civilizations: Sketches in World History from the Chinese and European Experiences'
A military history of Britain: from 1775 to the present
ISBN 9780275990398 , 2006 , Jeremy Black
A history of political thought: from antiquity to the present
ISBN 9780745640846 , 2008 , Bruce Haddock
Public Religions in the Modern World
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Integration, Growth, and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union
ISBN 9781441919885 , 2010 , John Bradley, George G. Petrakos, Julia Traistaru
The Foreign Policy of the European Union
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Learning Across Sites: New Tools, Infrastructures and Practices
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Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order
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The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
ISBN 9780765623553 , 2012 , Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik
A history of modern Europe: from the Renaissance to the present
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A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
ISBN 9780745623757 , 2002 , Asa Briggs, Peter Burke
Archaeology matters: action archaeology in the modern world
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Tales of the Otori 1. Across the Nightingale Floor.
ISBN 9780330412988 , 2003 , Lian Hearn
The Industrial Revolution: milestones in business history
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Contaminated land: reclamation, redevelopment, and reuse in the United States and the European Union
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The Greeks: History, Culture, and Society
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Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
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The European Iron Age
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The European Folktale: Form and Nature
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Across the Taiwan Strait: Democracy - The Bridge Between Mainland China and Taiwan
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Advanced Chinese
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Cultures and Societies in a Changing World
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The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History
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A History of Modern Europe, Volume 2: From the French Revolution to the Present
ISBN 9780393933857 , 2009 , John M. Merriman
Globalization and belonging: the politics of identity in a changing world
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The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography
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High tide: news from a warming world
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The European Union and the Regulation of Media Markets
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European Union security dynamics: in the new national interest
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Macroeconomics: a European Perspective
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The Institutions of the European Union
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