Søk: 'Discussions in Contemporary Culture'
Culture and social behavior
ISBN 9780070651104 , 1994 , Harry Charalambos Triandis
Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap
ISBN 9780700616510 , 2009
A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice
ISBN 9780781783965 , 2009 , Judith E. Thompson, Lawrence W. Davidow
A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art
ISBN 9780199239665 , 2009 , Ian Chilvers, John Glaves-Smith
Come Celebrate: Contemporary Hymns from Leading Writers
ISBN 9781853119934 , 2009 , Michael Saward
Modern Moroccan: Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Cooking
ISBN 9781903141144 , 2004 , Ghillie Basan
Contemporary Novelists: British Fiction, 1970-2003
ISBN 9781403911209 , 2004 , Peter Childs
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9781421401539 , 2011 , Thomas J. Misa
Arab Society and Culture: An Essential Guide
ISBN 9780863566165 , 2009 , Samir Khalaf, Roseanne Saad Khalaf
The Machine at Work: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-Modern Culture
ISBN 9780745609256 , 1997 , Keith Grint, Steve Woolgar
Communication and Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780761968276 , 2000 , Tony Schirato
The Dawn of Human Culture
ISBN 9780471252528 , 2002
Public Relations: Critical Debates And Contemporary Problems
ISBN 9780805846188 , 2006 , Jacquie L'Etang, Magda Pieczka
Public Relations: Critical Debates and Contemporary Practice
ISBN 9780805846171 , 2006 , Jacquie L'Etang, Magda Pieczka
Contemporary Spiritualities: Social and Religious Contexts
ISBN 9780826449481 , 2001 , Clive Erricker, Jane Erricker
Contemporary Spiritualities: Social and Religious Contexts
ISBN 9780826449474 , 2001 , Clive Erricker, Jane Erricker
Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780631211655 , 2001
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
ISBN 9780415879231 , 2010 , Robert Audi
A Community of Witches: Contemporary Neo-paganism and Witchcraft in the United States
ISBN 9781570032462 , 1999 , Helen A. Berger
Culture and Rights: Anthropological Perspectives
ISBN 9780521797351 , 2001 , Jane K. Cowan, Marie-Benedicte Dembour,m.fl.
Miles Davis and American Culture
ISBN 9781883982386 , 2001 , Gerald Lyn Early
The Corporate Culture Survival Guide: Sense and Nonsense About Culture Change
ISBN 9780787946999 , 1999 , Edgar H. Schein
Charles Darwin and Victorian Visual Culture
ISBN 9780521135795 , 2009 , Jonathan Smith
International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
ISBN 9780071283144 , 2009 , Jonathan P. Doh, Fred Luthans
The Culture of Medieval English Monasticism
ISBN 9781843833215 , 2007 , James G. Clark
Women, Culture and Development
ISBN 9780198289173 , 1995 , Jonathan Glover, Martha C. Nussbaum
Alcohol, Gender, and Culture
ISBN 9780415086677 , 1992
Corporate culture and performance
ISBN 9780029184677 , 1992 , John P. Kotter, James L. Heskett
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780131970687 , 2006 , John Storey
Communication and culture: an introduction
ISBN 9780761968269 , 2000 , Tony Schirato