Søk: 'Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering'
Understanding Solids: The Science of Materials
ISBN 9780470852767 , 2004 , Richard J. D. Tilley
Understanding Solids: The Science of Materials
ISBN 9780470852750 , 2004 , Richard J. D. Tilley
Engineers and Engineering, Volumes 31-32
ISBN 9781143476198 , 2010 , Engineers Club Of Philadelphia
The Science and Archaeology of Materials: An Investigation of Inorganic Materials
ISBN 9780415199346 , 2000 , Julian Henderson
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
ISBN 9780470458365 , 2010 , Erwin Kreyszig
Barrages, engineering design & environmental impacts: international conference, 10-13 September 1996, Cardiff, UK
ISBN 9780471968573 , 1996 , Neville Burt, Jacqueline Watts
A New Kind of Science
ISBN 9781579550080 , 2002 , Stephen Wolfram
The Proper Ambition of Science
ISBN 9780415186179 , 2000 , Jonathan Wolff, Martin William Francis Stone
Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780192802835 , 2002 , Samir Okasha
Experts in Science and Society
ISBN 9780306479038 , 2003 , Gerd Gigerenzer, Elke Kurz-Milcke
Liberty Hyde Bailey: Essential Agrarian and Environmental Writings
ISBN 9780801447099 , 2008 , Liberty Hyde Bailey, Zachary Michael Jack
Ceramics Science and Technology, 4 Volume Set
ISBN 9783527311491 , 2013 , Ralf Riedel, I-Wei Chen
Yearbook of International Environmental Law: Volume 15, 2004
ISBN 9780199289264 , 2006 , Ole Kristian Fauchald, Jacob Werksman
Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue
ISBN 9780131395060 , 2012
Computer Security: Art and Science
ISBN 9780201440997 , 2002 , Matt Bishop
Advanced Mapping of Environmental Data/Geostatistics, Machine Learning and Bayesian Maximum Entropy
ISBN 9781848210608 , 2008 , Mikhail Kanevski
Life: The Science of Biology: Volume 3: Plants and Animals
ISBN 9780716776758 , 2007 , David M. Hillis, David Sadava, H.Craig Heller,m.fl.
The Green Multiplier: A Study of Environmental Protection and the Supply Chain
ISBN 9781403932099 , 2005 , Lutz Preuss
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics
ISBN 9788125912958 , 2002 , S. Rajasekaran, G. Sankarasubramanian
Casarett and Doull's toxicology: the basic science of poisons
ISBN 9780071347211 , 2001 , Lewis Casarett, John Doull, Curtis D. Klaasen
Communicating Uncertainty: Media Coverage of New and Controversial Science
ISBN 9780805827286 , 1999 , Sharon M. Friedman, Carol Rogers
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing
ISBN 9780750658553 , 2003
Engineering Mechanics: Statics
ISBN 9780136077909 , 2009 , Russell C. Hibbeler
Engineering with Excel
ISBN 9780136017752 , 2009 , Ronald W. Larsen
Engineering mechanics
ISBN 9780471266075 , 2003 , J. James L. Meriam, L. L. Glenn Kraige,m.fl.
Control Systems Engineering
ISBN 9781118170519 , 2013 , Norman S. Nise
Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Composites
ISBN 9783540734468 , 2007
Environmental policy: an introduction
ISBN 9781577664284 , 2007 , Barry C. Field
Practical Approach to Occupational and Environmental Medicine
ISBN 9780781736749 , 2003
Chiral Environmental Pollutants: Trace Analysis and Ecotoxicology
ISBN 9783540664239 , 2001 , Roland Kallenborn, Heinrich Hühnerfuss