Søk: 'Embodied visions: evolution, emotion, culture, and film'
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780070064454 , 1994 , David Bordwell
A Bit of Crack and Car Culture
ISBN 9781841580432 , 2001 , Bess Ross
European Union and the Politics of Culture
ISBN 9780954190903 , 2001 , Cris Shore
Millennial Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism
ISBN 9780822327042 , 2001 , Jean Comaroff
Transnational Cinema, the Film Reader
ISBN 9780415371575 , 2004 , Elizabeth Ezra, Terry Rowden, Ina Rae Hark,m.fl.
Inspired: 3D Short Film Production
ISBN 9781592001170 , 2004 , Pepe Valencia, Jeremy Cantor
Visual Rhetoric: A Reader in Communication and American Culture
ISBN 9781412949194 , 2008 , Cara A. Finnegan, Diane S. Hope
Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress (Film Tie-In)
ISBN 9780099452249 , 2003 , Dai Sijie
The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
ISBN 9780813531724 , 2003 , Angela Dalle Vacche
The top 10 of film
ISBN 9781405300506 , 2003 , Russell Ash
Culture, Politics and Sport: Blowing the Whistle, Revisited
ISBN 9780415417075 , 2007 , Ian McDonald, Garry Whannel, Jennifer Hargreaves
Sound Moves: Ipod Culture And the Urban Experience
ISBN 9780415257527 , 2007 , Malcolm Bull
Black Magic: White Hollywood and African American Culture
ISBN 9780813533841 , 2004 , Krin Gabbard
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138602 , 2001 , Michael C. Dawson
Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture
ISBN 9781446258156 , 2013 , Susan T Fiske
Filmboka: alt i ett om film
ISBN 9788292284575 , 2011 , Trond Heum
Flashback: a brief history of film
ISBN 9780205695904 , 2009 , Louis D. Giannetti, Scott Eyman
No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy
ISBN 9780226316123 , 2011 , Robert Hariman, John Louis Lucaites
The visual story: creating the visual structure of film, TV and digital media
ISBN 9780240807799 , 2007 , Bruce A. Block
Authority and Political Culture in Shi'ism
ISBN 9780887066399 , 1988 , Saïd Amir Arjomand
African philosophy, culture, and traditional medicine
ISBN 9780896801523 , 1988 , Moses Akin Makinde
Doing Time: Feminist Theory and Postmodern Culture
ISBN 9780814727065 , 2000 , Rita Felski
The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture
ISBN 9780715621479 , 1996 , Peter Garnsey, Richard Salter, R. Saller
American Culture and Religious Diversity: A Saudi Arabian Perspective
ISBN 9780931214134 , 2011 , Fahad A Alhomoudi, James B Smith
Kjønnsforhandlinger: studier i kunst, film og litteratur
ISBN 9788253035949 , 2013 , Anne Birgitte Rønning, Geir Uvsløkk
Archaeology, language, and history: essays on culture and ethnicity
ISBN 9780897897242 , 2001 , John Edward Terrell
Cinematernity: Film, Motherhood, Genre
ISBN 9780691037752 , 1996
Cinematernity: Film, Motherhood, Genre
ISBN 9780691037745 , 1996
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780070064492 , 1994 , David Bordwell
Understanding Popular Music Culture
ISBN 9780415419055 , 2008 , Roy Shuker