Søk: 'End of Millennium, Volume III: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture'
The Age of Wild Ghosts: Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China
ISBN 9780520226319 , 2001 , Erik Mueggler
Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199570812 , 2011 , John Ravenhill
A History of Europe in the Modern World, Volume 1
ISBN 9780077599607
Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780745661063 , 2012 , John B. Thompson
The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet
ISBN 9780262072038 , 2000 , Ken Goldberg
Information Measures: Information and Its Description in Science and Engineering
ISBN 9783540408550 , 2003 , Christoph Arndt
Economics of Information Technology
ISBN 9780511262357 , 2004 , Hal R. Varian, Varian/Farrell/Shapiro
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic -
ISBN 9780785117148 , 2005 , Warren Ellis, Fabian Nicieza, Scott Lobdell,m.fl.
The Case Against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering
ISBN 9780674036383 , 2009 , Michael J. Sandel
Being There: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and the Analysis of Culture
ISBN 9789185509300 , 2009 , Nils Gilje, Jonas Frykman
Millennium in Central Europe: a history of Hungary
ISBN 9789639165373 , 1999 , László Kontler
A History of the Calvinistic Congregational Church and Society Fitchburg Massachusetts
ISBN 9781115783835 , 2009 , George A. Hitchcock
Food Security and Global Economy
ISBN 9788182743595 , 2009 , Avanish Tiwari, Jeevan Nair
The End of Human Rights: Critical Legal Thought at the Turn of the Century
ISBN 9781841130002 , 2000 , Costas Douzinas
Financial Economics, Risk And Information
ISBN 9789812775399 , Bianconi Marcelo
The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 1650 to the Present
ISBN 9780521719254 , 2008 , Jan de Vries
Researching Information Systems and Computing
ISBN 9781412902243 , 2005 , Briony J. Oates
Language and Culture
ISBN 9780194372145 , 1998 , Claire J. Kramsch, H.G. Widdowson
Politics and Culture in the Developing World: The Impact of Globalization
ISBN 9780205301119 , 2002 , Richard J. Payne, Jamal R. Nassur
Behind the Castle Gate: Castles at the End of the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780415261005 , 2002
American Furies: Crime, Punishment, and Vengeance in the Age of Mass Imprisonment
ISBN 9780807042229 , 2007
Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, Emotions, and the Culture of Self-Help
ISBN 9780520224469 , 2008
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781412929547 , 2007 , Peter Dicken
Illness and Irony: On the Ambiguity of Suffering in Culture
ISBN 9781571816740 , 2003 , Michael Lambek, Paul Antze
Fool?s fate: the tawny man III
ISBN 9780006486039 , 2004 , Robin Hobb
Architecture and the Urban Environment: A Vision for the New Age
ISBN 9780750654623 , 2012 , Derek Thomas
Dress and the Roman woman: self-presentation and society
ISBN 9780415414760 , 2008 , Kelly Olson
Dress and the Roman Woman: Self-Presentation and Society
ISBN 9780415414753 , 2008 , Kelly Olson
The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
ISBN 9781842777947 , 2007 , Anthony Weis
Beyond anthropology: society and the other
ISBN 9780231066853 , 1992