Søk: 'Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Practice: International Edition'
Environmental Economics: Environmental Economocs: International Edition
ISBN 9780195392555 , 2009 , Charles D. Kolstad
Foundations in Microbiology
ISBN 9780071316736 , 2011 , Kathleen P. Talaro, Barry Chess
The Behavioral Foundations of Strategic Management
ISBN 9781405142502 , 2009
Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research and Practice
ISBN 9780863776236 , 2000 , Gillian Symon, Professor Catherine Cassell,m.fl.
An Introduction to Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781847873248 , 2009 , Uwe Flick
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
ISBN 9780198568377 , 2007 , Murray Longmore, Ian Wilkinson, Tom Turmezei
Practice as Research in the Arts: Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances
ISBN 9781137282903 , 2013 , Robin Nelson
Introduction to Geochemistry: Principles and Applications
ISBN 9781405121422 , 2012 , Kula C. Misra
Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
ISBN 9781558607354 , 2005 , Anant Agarwal, Jeffrey H. Lang
Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage: International Edition
ISBN 9780132479066 , 2010 , Jay B. Barney
Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
ISBN 9781455741656 , 2014 , Carl A. Burtis, David E. Bruns
Atlas of Clinical Dermatology
ISBN 9780443072208 , 2002 , Anthony Du Vivier, Phillip H. McKee
Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology
ISBN 9780723432401 , 2004 , Paul Hunter, David J. Spalton, Roger A Hitchings
Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology
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Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy With Children and Adolescents: The Nuts and Bolts
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Corporate Finance: The Core: International Edition
ISBN 9780321564405 , 2008 , Jonathan B. Berk, Peter M DeMarzo
Engineering Fluid Mechanics, International Student Version, 9th Edition
ISBN 9780470409435 , 2009 , 9. utgave , Clayton T. Crowe, John A. Roberson, D. F. Elger
Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Control, Applications
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Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and its Applications
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Applications of Biological Anthropology to Human Affairs
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Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version): Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025643 , 2013 , Thomas L. Floyd
Communication Systems, International Student Version, 5th Edition
ISBN 9780470169964 , 2009 , 5. utgave , Simon S. Haykin, Michael Moher
Basic and Clinical Ocular Motor and Vestibular Research
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The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: First European ...
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The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations
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Clinical Surgery: Extracts from the Reports of Surgical Practice Between the Years 1860-1876
ISBN 9781147225426 , 2010
Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health
ISBN 9780736087100 , 2012 , Harold W. Kohl, Tinker Dan Murray
The Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics
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Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology
ISBN 9780736064675 , 2006 , Daniel Gould, Robert Stephen Weinberg