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The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies
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The Known World: A Novel
ISBN 9780060557553 , 2004 , Edward P. Jones
World Economic Factbook 2000-2001
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The Iron wall: Israel and the Arab world
ISBN 9780393321128 , 2001 , Avi Shlaim
How the Irish Saved Civilisation
ISBN 9780553478099 , 1997 , Thomas Cahill, Liam Neeson
Minorities and the State in the Arab World
ISBN 9781555876470 , 1998
The World of Thought in Ancient China
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The Export performance of the United States: political, strategic, and economic implications
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The end of empire in French West Africa: France's successful decolonization?
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Know Your Enemy: Learning About Security Threats
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The Official SAT Study Guide
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Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World
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Deadly Waters: Inside the hidden world of Somalia's pirates
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The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Keynesianism Across Nations
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The Winner? Course: Paradoxes and Anomalies of Economic Life
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The First New Chronicle and Good Government: On the History of the World and the Incas Up To 1615
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Antwerp & The World: Richard Verstegan and The International Culture Of Catholic Reformation
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Making Societies: The Historical Construction of Our World
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Understanding American Power: The Changing World of US Foreign Policy
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Behind the development banks: Washington politics, world poverty, and the wealth of nations
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Behind the Development Banks: Washington Politics, World Poverty, and the Wealth of Nations
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The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World
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