Søk: 'Linear System Theory and Design'
Applied Linear Regression Models
ISBN 9780071145589 , 1996 , Michael H. Kutner, John Neter,m.fl.
Applied Linear Regression Models
ISBN 9780256086010 , 1996 , John Neter, M. Kutner, C. Nachtsheim,m.fl.
Elements of Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780412552809 , 1994 , A. Ramachandra RamachandraRao,m.fl.
Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780073402949 , 2008 , Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley
Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780071285810 , 2008 , Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley
An Introduction to Linear Algebra and Tensors
ISBN 9780486635453 , 1978 , Maks A?zikovich Akivis,m.fl.
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071088527 , 2007 , GOODMAN, Dr George Ritzer
Strategic alliances: theory and evidence
ISBN 9780199256556 , 2004 , Jeffrey J. Reuer
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation
ISBN 9780323039895 , 2009
Shortell and Kaluzny's Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior
ISBN 9781435488182 , 2011 , Lawton R Burns, Bryan Jeffrey Weiner
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9780761927938 , 2008
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9781405874090 , 2008 , John Storey
Ship Knowledge: Ship Design, Construction and Operation
ISBN 9789071500145 , 2010 , Klaas van Dokkum
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
ISBN 9781412965576 , 2008 , John W. Creswell
Operating System Concepts
ISBN 9780201592924 , 1994 , Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin
Multivariable feedback control: analysis and design
ISBN 9780470011676 , 2005 , Sigurd Skogestad, Ian Postlethwaite
How the Immune System Works
ISBN 9781405162210 , 2008
History of Modern Design
ISBN 9781856696944 , 2010 , David Seth Raizman
Planning Theory
ISBN 9780230223653 , 2009 , Philip Allmendinger
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals: International Edition
ISBN 9780132067119 , 2007 , M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime
WIE Operating System Concepts
ISBN 9780471713029 , 2005 , Abraham Silberschatz
Discrete-event System Simulation
ISBN 9780130887023 , 2001 , Jerry Banks
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761941569 , 2003 , Chris Barker
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
ISBN 9788777511509 , 2000 , Lars Mathiassen
Negotiating essentials: theory, skills, and practices
ISBN 9780131868663 , 2006 , Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin
Enterprise Information Systems Assurance And System Security: Managerial And Technical Issues
ISBN 9781591409120 , 2006 , Merrill Warkentin, Rayford B. Vaughn
Sustainable Site Design: Criteria, Process, and Case Studies for Integrating Site and Region in Landscape Design
ISBN 9780470187838 , 2010 , Claudia Dinep, Kristin Schwab
Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780961408855 , 1993 , Gilbert Strang
Digital Design and Basic Electrical Circuits
ISBN 9781844790364 , 2004
Leadership: theory and practice
ISBN 9780803957688 , 1997 , Peter Guy Northouse