Søk: 'Molly Moon Stops the World'
Trading in danger
ISBN 9781841491684 , 2003 , Elizabeth Moon
Strategies for the Green Economy: Opportunities and Challenges in the New World of Business
ISBN 9780071600309 , 2008
What is World Literature?
ISBN 9780691049861 , 2003
Academic freedom in the wired world: political extremism, corporate power, and the university
ISBN 9780674026605 , 2008 , Robert M. O'Neil
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
ISBN 9780307352156 , 2013 , Susan Cain
A New World
ISBN 9780330351065 , 2001 , Amit Chaudhuri
A World-class Boxer
ISBN 9780431189475 , 2005 , Paul Mason, Don Wood
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691118543 , 2007
Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions
ISBN 9781851682232 , 2000 , Nancy M. Martin, Joseph Runzo
Rising Tide: Gender Equality and Cultural Change Around the World
ISBN 9780521529501 , 2003 , Ronald Inglehart, Pippa Norris
Antwerp & The World: Richard Verstegan and The International Culture Of Catholic Reformation
ISBN 9789058673473 , 2004 , Paul Arblaster
Entering the Field: New Perspectives on World Football
ISBN 9781859731987 , 1997 , Gary Armstrong, Richard Giulianotti
Impressions: a selection of litterature and other art forms from the English-speaking world
ISBN 9788203335693 , 2008 , Annabelle Despard, Elisabeth Ibsen
The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations
ISBN 9780198782636 , 2001 , Steve Smith
A Crack in the Edge of the World: The Great American Earthquake of 1906
ISBN 9780141016344 , 2005 , Simon Winchester
The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World
ISBN 9781844131556 , 2005 , Alister E. McGrath
From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
ISBN 9780801803475 , 1968 , Alexandre Koyre
Britain and the Origins of the First World War: Second Edition
ISBN 9780333734674 , 2003 , 2. utgave , Zara S. Steiner, Keith Neilson
The Eye of the World: Book One of 'The Wheel of Time'
ISBN 9780812579956 , 2000 , Robert Jordan
A Healthy, Wealthy, Sustainable World
ISBN 9781847558626 , 2010 , Tom Coultate, John Emsley, Mike Saltmarsh,m.fl.
Cultures and Societies in a Changing World
ISBN 9781412990547 , 2012 , Wendy Griswold
A history of world agriculture: from the neolithic age to the current crisis
ISBN 9781583671214 , 2006 , Marcel Mazoyer, Laurence Roudart,m.fl.
A History of the Modern World, 1815-1910, Volume I
ISBN 9781117493947 , 2009 , Oscar Browning
A History of the Modern World, 1815-1910, Volume I
ISBN 9781117493954 , 2009 , Oscar Browning
Ambient networks: co-operative mobile networking for the wireless world
ISBN 9780470510926 , 2007
Armageddon or evolution?: the scientific method and escalating world problems
ISBN 9781594516061 , 2009 , Bernard Phillips
Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO, Second Edition
ISBN 9781848132511 , 2009 , 2. utgave , Richard Peet
The Speed of Dark
ISBN 9781841491417 , 2002 , Elizabeth Moon
Another World: Colours, Textures and Patterns of the Deep
ISBN 9781905377008 , 2005 , Dos Winkel
Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World 1948-1998
ISBN 9780140288704 , 2001 , Avi Shlaim