Søk: 'New Mathematics Education Research and Practice'
Literacy Research Methodologies
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Conceptualizing and Proposing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780131702868 , 2005 , Thomas Schram
Research Methods in Business Studies
ISBN 9780273712046 , 2010 , Pervez N. Ghauri, Professor Kjell Gronhaug
Business Research Methods 3e
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Mathematical physics: applied mathematics for scientists and engineers
ISBN 9783527406722 , 2006
Internationalising Social Work Education: Considerations and Developments
ISBN 9781861780690 , 2005 , Karen Lyons, Brian Littlechild, Mary Carlsen,m.fl.
Understanding Research
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Anthropology of Environmental Education
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Anthropology and science: epistemologies in practice
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Science and Practice of Strength Training
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Public Relations Metrics: Research and Evaluation
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Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
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Alternative Food Geographies: Representation and Practice
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Research and Teaching: Beyond the Divide
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The Understanding and Management of Global Violence: New Approaches to Theory and Research on Protrated Conflict
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Communicative competence for individuals who use AAC: from research to effective practice
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The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies
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ISDN: Applications in Education and Training
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Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice
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Gestalt therapy: history, theory, and practice
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Research Methods, Ethics and Statistics
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Personality: Theory and Research, 10th Edition
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Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Strategy, Planning and Practice
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Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing
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Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy
ISBN 9781609180454 , 2010
Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice
ISBN 9780691138381 , 2008