Søk: 'Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America'
Religion in America: an historical account of the development of American religious life
ISBN 9780130923899 , 2004 , John Corrigan, Winthrop Still Hudson
Outlines & Highlights for Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics by Douglas A.; Marchal Lind, ISBN
ISBN 9781617440120 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Exploring Talk in School: Inspired by the Work of Douglas Barnes
ISBN 9781847873798 , 2008 , Neil Mercer, Steve Hodgkinson
Redeeming America: evangelicals and the road to Civil War
ISBN 9781566630313 , 1993 , Curtis D. Johnson
Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America
ISBN 9789210163347 , 1998 , Economic Commission for Europe
Alistair Cooke: The Essential Letters from America: The 1940 and 1950s
ISBN 9781405677769 , 2007
A Coursebook on Language Disorders in Children
ISBN 9781565936188 , 1996 , M.N. Hegde
Advances in Cooperative Control and Optimization: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization
ISBN 9783540743545 , 2007 , Michael J. Hirsch, P. M. Pardalos, Robert Murphey,m.fl.
He, She and IT Revisited: New Perspectives on Gender in the Information Society
ISBN 9788205315501 , 2003 , Merete Lie, Hilde Corneliussen
Critics Not Caretakers: Redescribing the Public Study of Religion
ISBN 9780791449448 , 2001 , Russell T. McCutcheon
Critical And Bibliographical Notes On Early Spanish Music
ISBN 9781446051290 , 2011 , Juan Facundo Riano
Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description
ISBN 9780415576840 , 2011 , Tim Ingold
Economics and Utopia: Why the Learning Economy is Not the End of History
ISBN 9780415075060 , 1998 , Geoffrey Martin Hodgson, Geoff Hodgson
Constructing Democratic Governance: South America
ISBN 9780801854033 , 1996 , Jorge I. Domínguez, Abraham F. Lowenthal
Dictionary on Environmental Science and Engineering
ISBN 9788176481236 , 2005 , D.B. Tripathi
America Works: The Exceptional U.S. Labor Market
ISBN 9780871543264 , 2008
Against Capital Punishment: The Anti-Death Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994
ISBN 9780195132496 , 1999 , Herbert H. Haines
An Essay on Western Civilisation in Its Economic Aspects (Volume 2); Mediaeval and Modern Times
ISBN 9780217771153 , 2012 , William Cunningham
The Rough Guide to South America
ISBN 9781858289076 , 2004 , Oliver Marshall, Dilwyn Jenkins, David Cleary,m.fl.
A Companion to 19th-Century America
ISBN 9781405149822 , 2006 , William L. Barney
America, Volume 1: A Narrative History
ISBN 9780393927320 , 2006 , David Emory Shi
America, Volume 2: A Narrative History
ISBN 9780393927337 , 2006 , David Emory Shi
ISBN 9780393928204 , 2006
Biodiversity in the Seas: Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity in Marine and Coastal Habitats
ISBN 9782831703381 , 1996
Al-Ghazali on Intention, Sincerity and Truthfulness
ISBN 9780946621910 , 2010 , Abu Hamidal-Ghazali
New Perspectives on Javascript and Ajax, Comprehensive
ISBN 9781439081259 , 2010 , Patrick Carey
On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture
ISBN 9780807858998 , 2008 , Louis A. Pérez
The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America
ISBN 9780674032569 , 2009
On Human Rights
ISBN 9780199573103 , 2009
A Beekeeper's Guide to Drones in the Hive - A Collection of Articles on Drones and Their Role in the Apiary
ISBN 9781446542552 , 2011 , Various