Søk: 'Peace and Conflict: The South Asian Experience'
A Catalogue of Books Relating to the Discovery and Early Hisa Catalogue of Books Relating to the Discovery and Early History of North and South America Forming a Part of the Librartory of North and South America Forming a Part of the Library of E. D. C...
ISBN 9781151951618 , 2010 , Elihu Dwight Church
Afghanistan, Arms and Conflict: Armed Groups, Disarmament and Security in a Post-War Society
ISBN 9780415477345 , 2008 , Michael Vinay Bhatia, Mark Sedra
The Lake with No Name: A True Story of Love and Conflict in Modern China
ISBN 9780755312061 , 2003 , Diane Wei Liang
A New Order for Indians: Creeks and Seminoles in the Deep South, 1733-1816
ISBN 9780521660433 , 1999 , Claudio Saunt, Frederick E. Hoxie, Neal Salisbury
Adventures and Anecdotes of the South Army of the Emperor of Austria During the Late Hungarian Campaign, Narrated by Eye-Witnesses
ISBN 9781143305429 , 2010 , John William Warre Tyndale
Aesthetic Experience In Science Education: Learning And Meaning-making As Situated Talk And Action
ISBN 9780805855036 , 2005 , Per-Olof Wickman
Aesthetic Experience in Science Education: Learning and Meaning-Making as Situated Talk and Action
ISBN 9781410615756 , 2005 , Per-Olof Wickman
A Multipolar Peace?: Great-Power Politics in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780333618516 , 1994 , Charles W. Kegley, Gregory A. Raymond
Constructing Democratic Governance: South America
ISBN 9780801854033 , 1996 , Jorge I. Domínguez, Abraham F. Lowenthal
Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa: Participation, Accountability and Performance
ISBN 9780521636476 , 1998 , Richard Charles Crook, James Manor
Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy: The Post-Soviet Experience in Lithuania (HC)
ISBN 9781930608474 , 2003 , Judy W. Kugelmass, Dennis J. Ritchie
Asian English Writers of Chinese Origin: Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong
ISBN 9781443813136 , 2009 , Amy Tak-Yee Lai
Human Beginnings in South Africa: Uncovering the Secrets of the Stone Age
ISBN 9780761990864 , 1999 , Janette Deacon, Hilary John Deacon, Jane Deacon
Easy Noodles: Recipes from China, Japan and South-East Asia
ISBN 9781841723853 , 2003 , Kimiko Barber
Resolving Messy Policy Problems: "Handling Conflict in Environmental, Transport, Health and Ageing Policy"
ISBN 9781844075669 , 2009 , Steven Ney
Aqualog South American Dwarf Cichilds
ISBN 9783931702298 , 1995 , H. J. Mayland, D. Bork
Before Sexuality: The Contruction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World
ISBN 9780691002217 , 1991 , David M. Halperin
A Cycle Of Cathay Or, China, South And North With Personal Reminiscences
ISBN 9781444623918 , 2009 , W. A. P. Martin
Basotho and the mines: a social history of labour migrancy in Lesotho and South Africa, c.1890-1940
ISBN 9782869781283 , 2004 , Eddy Maloka
The Maker's Diet: The 40-Day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever
ISBN 9780425204139 , 2005 , Jordan Rubin
After Freedom: A Cultural Study in the Deep South
ISBN 9780299137847 , 1993 , Hortense Powdermaker, Brackette F. Williams,m.fl.
The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the "Fram", 1910-1912
ISBN 9781850654698 , 2004 , Roald Amundsen, A. G. Chater
Small states and security regimes: the international politics of nuclear non-proliferation in nordic Europe and the South Pacific
ISBN 9780819198464 , 1995 , John Scott Masker
South of No North; Stories of the Buried Life.
ISBN 9780876851890 , 1992 , Charles Bukowski
Good Practices and Innovative Experiences in the South: Citizen initiatives in social services, popular education and human rights
ISBN 9781842771327 , 2002 , Martin Khor, Lim Li Lin
A Cycle of Cathay: Or, China, South and North. with Personal Reminiscences
ISBN 9781143441356 , 2010 , William Alexander Parsons Martin
Developement Administration Kenyan Experience 08
ISBN 9780196440996 , 1972 , Goran Hyden
A Guide to Archives and Records for the History of Medicine and Health Care in South Yorkshire and the North Midlands
ISBN 9780952704560 , 1997 , Ian Ramage
A European Experience of the Mughal Orient: The I'jaz-i Arsalani (Persian Letters 1773-1779)
ISBN 9780195691870 , 2007 , Muzaffar Alam, Seema Alavi
The local construction of a global language: ideologies of English in South Korea
ISBN 9783110209631 , 2009 , Joseph Sung-Yul Park