Søk: 'Polis and Politics'
Argentine Democracy: The Politics of Institutional Weakness
ISBN 9780271027166 , 2006 , Steven Levitsky, María Victoria Murillo
Argentine democracy: the politics of institutional weakness
ISBN 9780271027159 , 2006 , Steven Levitsky, María Victoria Murillo
The Politics of Foundations: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9780203028186 , 2006 , Helmut Anheier, Siobhan Daly
The Politics of Foundations: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9780415701679 , 2006 , Siobhan Daly, Dr Helmut K Anheier
Anti-Immigrantism in Western Democracies: Statecraft, Desire and the Politics of Exclusion
ISBN 9780415299794 , 2003 , Roxanne Lynn Doty
The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780521521109 , 2006 , Sheri E. Berman
Ethics and Science: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521702676 , 2012 , Adam Briggle, Carl Mitcham
Good Education in Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy
ISBN 9781594517907 , 2010 , Gert J. J. Biesta
British Politics in Focus: AS Level
ISBN 9781902796789 , 2004 , Michael Haralambos, Roy Bentley, Alan Dobson,m.fl.
Comparative Politics Today: A World View
ISBN 9780321158963 , 2004 , Kaare Strom, G.Bingham Powell,m.fl.
Russian foreign policy: the return of great power politics
ISBN 9780742557949 , 2009 , Jeffrey Mankoff
Politics, governance, and technology: a postmodern narrative on the virtual state
ISBN 9781858988771 , 1999
Teenage Nervous Breakdown: Music and Politics in the Post-Elvis Age
ISBN 9780738206295 , 2001 , David Walley
Why Are There So Many Banking Crises?: The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation
ISBN 9780691131467 , 2008 , Jean-Charles Rochet
The common mind: an essay on psychology, society, and politics
ISBN 9780195078183 , 1993 , Philip Pettit
West European Politics in the Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780521719902 , 2008 , Hanspeter Kriesi, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal,m.fl.
The politics of European integration : political union or a house divided?
ISBN 9781405193948 , 2014
Governing Modern Britain: Aqa As Government & Politics
ISBN 9780340959589 , 2008 , Paul Fairclough
Popular Spiritualities: The Politics of Contemporary Enchantment
ISBN 9780754639992 , 2006 , Lynne Hume, Kathleen McPhillips
South African Politics Since 1948: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415242165 , 2008 , Alex Thomson
The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership Under Pressure
ISBN 9780521607339 , 2006 , Arjen Boin, Paul T. Hart, Eric J. Stern,m.fl.
Britain and the Politics of Modernization in the Middle East, 1945-1958
ISBN 9780521894395 , 2002 , Charles Tripp, Roger Owen, Paul W.T. Kingston
Global Linguistic Flows: Hip Hop Cultures, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language
ISBN 9780805862850 , 2008 , Awad Ibrahim, H. Sammy Alim, Alistair Pennycook
Public Administration: Politics and Law in the Public Sector. David Rosenbloom, Robert Kravchuk
ISBN 9780071263818 , 2008 , David H. Rosenbloom, Robert S. Kravchuk,m.fl.
Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics
ISBN 9781442208254 , 2011 , Jeffrey Mankoff
The Handless Maiden: Moriscos And The Politics Of Religion In Early Modern Spain
ISBN 9780691113586 , 2005 , Mary Elizabeth Perry
Shows of Force: Power, Politics, and Ideology in Art Exhibitions
ISBN 9780822311232 , 1992 , Timothy W. Luke
The Tentative Pregnancy: Amniocentesis and the Sexual Politics of Motherhood
ISBN 9780044409120 , 1994
Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy
ISBN 9780226293653 , 2000 , Martin Gilens
Britain and Turkey in the Middle East: politics and influence in the early Cold War era
ISBN 9781845113506 , 2007 , Mustafa Bilgin