Søk: 'Political Philosophy: The Essential Texts'
Essential Cell Biology: An Introduction to the Molecular Biology ...
ISBN 9780815329718 , 1997 , Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Alexander Johnson,m.fl.
Power, community and the state: the political anthropology of organisation in Mexico
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An Introduction to Political Communication
ISBN 9780415410694 , 2007 , Brian McNair
A Companion to Analytic Philosophy
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Essential Papers on Talmud
ISBN 9780814715055 , 1994 , Michael Chernick
The Political and Economic Dimensions of Modernity
ISBN 9780745609621 , 1992 , John Allen, Stuart Hall, Peter Braham, Paul Lewis
The Myth and Ritual Theory: On the Liturgical Cosummation of Philosophy
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Applying political theory: issues and debates
ISBN 9780230555099 , 2009 , Katherine Smits
Essential Cell Biology: Transparency Set
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Ancient Philosophy:A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume 1: A New History of Western Philosophy
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Rules Compendium: An Essential Dungeons & Dragons Compendium
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Ball and Moore's Essential Physics for Radiographers
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The Anti-Development State: The Political Economy of Permanent Crisis in the Philippines
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Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction
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Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle
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Global Political Economy: International Edition
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Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Wittgenstein and the Philosophical Investigations
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Constitutions and Political Theory: Second Edition
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The Political Economy of Stalinism: Evidence from the Soviet Secret Archives
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American Political Ideas, 1865-1917
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Challenges to Political Parties: The Case of Norway
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In the Beginning Was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument
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