Søk: 'Religion and Society in England, 1850-1914'
The European Court and Civil Society: Litigation, Mobilization and Governance
ISBN 9780521671811 , 2007 , Rachel A. Cichowski
The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England
ISBN 9780192893246 , 2000 , Nigel Saul
Emotion in social life: the lost heart of society
ISBN 9780761943655 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Emotion in Social Life: The Lost Heart of Society
ISBN 9780761943662 , 2004 , Derek Layder
The Sociology of Religion
ISBN 9780761948926 , 2007 , Grace Davie
The Sociology of Religion
ISBN 9780761948919 , 2007 , Grace Davie
Jacob's Mirror: A Reconciliation of Science and Religion
ISBN 9781425723262 , 2006 , Bill McKee
Becoming Real Parents in an Unreal World: Guiding Children in a Global Society
ISBN 9781451227109 , 2010
The Renaissance in Scotland: Studies in Literature, Religion, History and Culture Offered to John Durkan
ISBN 9789004100978 , 1994 , Michael Lynch, A.A. MacDonald, Ian B. Cowan
Media in a Globalized Society: Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2003
ISBN 9788772898612 , 2003
Beyond anthropology: society and the other
ISBN 9780231066853 , 1992
Historie 2: verden og Norge etter 1850
ISBN 9788202193249 , 2002 , Øivind Stenersen, Ivar Libæk, Asle Sveen,m.fl.
Geographies Of Muslim Women: Gender, Religion, And Space
ISBN 9781593851835 , 2005 , Ghazi-Walid Falah, Caroline Rose Nagel
Economy/Society: Markets, Meanings, and Social Structure
ISBN 9780761986416 , 2000 , Bruce G. Carruthers
Brand Society: How Brands Transform Management and Lifestyle
ISBN 9780521726900 , 2010 , Martin Kornberger
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472070824 , 2010
The Individualized Society
ISBN 9780745625072 , 2000 , Zygmunt Bauman
La France De 1914 a Nos Jours
ISBN 9782130538431 , 1993 , Jean-François Sirinelli, Robert Vandenbussche
Eksistens: religion, etikk, livssyn, filosofi
ISBN 9788205382336 , 2008 , Henry Notaker, Lene Bomann-Larsen,m.fl.
Building Global Democracy?: Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance
ISBN 9780521140553 , 2011
Haugesund 1914-1950: dei trødde sjøen
ISBN 9788241903243 , 2004 , Øyvind Bjørnson
Spor i tid; Norge etter 1850
ISBN 9788203323300 , 1997 , Berit Nøkleby, Ole Kristian Grimnes
verda og Noreg før 1850
ISBN 9788202193263 , 2001 , Ellen Ugland, Kristin Fossum, Tor Arne Myhrvold
The Competitive Society: How Democratic and Effective?
ISBN 9788276346459 , 2004 , Noralv Veggeland
New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought
ISBN 9780791438541 , 1997 , Wouter J. Hanegraaff
Ichina: The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society
ISBN 9788776940539 , 2010 , Rune Svarverud, Mette Halskov Hansen
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
ISBN 9780486451114 , 2007 , Hume David
Religion: The Modern Theories
ISBN 9780801877285 , 2003 , Seth D. Kunin
The body, culture, and society: an introduction
ISBN 9780335204137 , 2000 , Philip Hancock,m.fl.
Pragmatism and the Political Economy of Cultural Revolution, 1850-1940
ISBN 9780807846643 , 1997 , Alan Trachtenberg, James Livingston