Søk: 'The known world'
Global Shift, Third Edition: Transforming the World Economy
ISBN 9781572303034 , 1998 , 3. utgave , Professor Peter Dicken, PhD
1788: The Brutal Truth of the First Fleet: The Biggest Single Overseas Migration the World Has Ever Seen
ISBN 9781741668001 , 2009 , David Hill
Changing the world: a framework for the study of creativity
ISBN 9780275947750 , 1994 , Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Howard Gardner,m.fl.
Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World
ISBN 9781929223961 , 2006 , Fen Osler Hampson, Chester A. Crocker,m.fl.
Physics of Continuous Matter, Second Edition: Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World
ISBN 9781420077001 , 2011 , 2. utgave
Food and Globalization: Consumption, Markets and Politics in the Modern World
ISBN 9781845206796 , 2008 , Alexander Nützenadel, Frank Trentmann
Food and Globalization: Consumption, Markets and Politics in the Modern World
ISBN 9781845206789 , 2008 , Alexander Nützenadel, Frank Trentmann
Entrepreneurship In Emerging Regions Around The World: Theory, Evidence and Implications
ISBN 9781847208002 , 2008 , Sankaran Venkataraman, Phillip Hin Choi Phan,m.fl.
How to End Poverty in the World in Just 15 Years
ISBN 9781438907079 , 2008 , Jean Pierre Twagirayezu
The Many Faces of National Security in the Arab World
ISBN 9780312083786 , 1993 , Bahgat Korany, Paul Noble, Rex Brynen
GCSE Modern World History
ISBN 9780007194988 , 2005 , Allan Todd
Salt: a world history
ISBN 9780099281993 , 2003 , Mark Kurlansky
Real World Adobe Illustrator CS4
ISBN 9780321573551 , 2008 , Mordy Golding
Real World Adobe InDesign CS5
ISBN 9780321713056 , 2010 , Olav Martin Kvern, David Blatner
A World History of Photography
ISBN 9780789209375 , 2008
In Good Company: The Fast Track from the Corporate World to Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience
ISBN 9781580512367 , 2010 , James Martin S.J.
The eye of the world: book one of The wheel of time
ISBN 9780812511819 , 1998 , Robert Jordan
The Families in the New Testament World: Households and House Churches
ISBN 9780664255466 , 1997
The World War II years: the Irish emergency : an illustrated history
ISBN 9780863278594 , 2001 , Helen Litton
The Cartoon History of the Modern World Part 1: From Columbus to the U.S. Constitution
ISBN 9780060760045 , 2006 , Larry Gonick
Entering the field: new perspectives on world football
ISBN 9781859731932 , 1997 , Gary Armstrong, Richard Giulianotti
The World of Late Antiquity: AD 150-750
ISBN 9780500330227 , 1989 , Peter Brown
The Geography of the World Economy: An Introduction to Economic Geography
ISBN 9780340706121 , 1998 , 3. utgave , John A. Agnew, Paul L. Knox
A World of Nations: The International Order Since 1945
ISBN 9780195106015 , 2003 , William R. Keylor
Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion
ISBN 9780691090658 , 2002 , Feng-hsiung Hsu
Five to Rule Them All: The United Nations Security Council and the Making of the Modern World
ISBN 9780195328769 , 2009 , David L. Bosco
Africa Development Indicators 2007
ISBN 9780821372890 , 2008 , World Bank
Creating and Transforming Households: The Constraints of the World-Economy
ISBN 9780521427135 , 1992 , Joan Smith, Immanuel Wallerstein,m.fl.
Brave New World
ISBN 9780582060166 , 1991 , Aldous Huxley, Robert Southwick
A Crack in the Edge of the World: The Great American Earthquake of 1906
ISBN 9780670914876 , 2005 , Simon Winchester