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A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire
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The Prophecy: Voluspa : the Prophecy of the Vikings : the Creation of the World
ISBN 9789979856276 , 2002 , Bernard Scudder, Dagfin Werenskiold
New Norway 9: On the Verge of a New Millennium
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The Christian Tradition ? A History of the Development of Doctrine V 5 (Cloth)
ISBN 9780226653785 , 1989 , Jaroslav J. Pelikan
Constantinopolis - Istanbul: Cultural Encounter, Imperial Vision, and the Construction of the Ottoman Capital
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The Wreck of the Zanzibar
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History of the Modern British Isles, 1815-1914: The Liberal Century
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Catholic Spirituality and the History of Religions
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Holy Blood, Holy Grail Illustrated Edition: The Secret History of Jesus, the Shocking Legacy of the Grail
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A History of the United Nations: The years of Western domination, 1945-1955
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Norway : Rogaland in Norway - between the ocean and the fjords
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A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
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