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World of the Cell with CD-ROM
ISBN 9780321312082 , 2006 , Wayne M. Becker
Allegories of Violence: Tracing the Writings of War in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction
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Hunters in the Barrens: the Naskapi on the edge of the white man's world
ISBN 9780919666009 , 1973 , Georg Henriksen
New Europe in the Changing Global System, A
ISBN 9789280809343 , 1997 , United Nations University, Richard A. Falk,m.fl.
The Cold War in the Middle East: Regional Conflict and the Superpowers 1967-73
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The eye of the world: book one of The wheel of time
ISBN 9781857230765 , 1997 , Robert Jordan
Northern Ireland: The Politics of War and Peace
ISBN 9780230507791 , 2008 , Paul Dixon
E-learning in Europe - Learning Europe: How Have New Media Contributed to the Development of Higher Education?
ISBN 9783830915584 , 2005 , Ullrich Dittler, Helge Kahler, Michael Kindt,m.fl.
The Human Past: World Prehistory & the Development of Human Societies
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The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: the implications of enlargement in stages
ISBN 9781840145144 , 1998 , Susan Senior Nello, Karen E. Smith
The RNA World: The Nature of Modern RNA Suggests a Prebiotic RNA World
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Protection of Human Rights in Europe
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Something in the Cellar . . .: Ronald Searle's Wonderful World of Wine
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The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
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The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: The wounded land
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The Changing Face of War: Lessons of Combat, from the Marne to Iraq
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Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq
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Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the firm: the emergence and survival of high-technology ventures in Europe
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Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration
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The Archaeology of Medieval Europe 1: The Eighth to Twelfth Centuries Ad
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The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War
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Cinema and the Second Sex: Women's Filmmaking in France in the 1980s and 1990s
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The Columbia Book of Civil War Poetry
ISBN 9780231100021 , 1994 , Richard Marius, Keith Frome
Sociocultural Theory and the Genesis of Second Language Development
ISBN 9780194421812 , 2006 , James P. Lantolf, Steven L. Thorne
Student Solutions Manual for The World of the Cell
ISBN 9780321527479 , 2008 , Wayne M. Becker
The Euro: Its Origins, Development and Prospects
ISBN 9781848444263 , 2008 , Howard R. Vane
Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, Second Edition
ISBN 9780300186406 , 2012 , 2. utgave , Jonathan Glover
The Art of War: The Essential Translation of the Classic Book of Life
ISBN 9780340276044 , 1981 , Sun-Tzu, James Clavell, Sun Zi
The Cold War and the Middle East
ISBN 9780198290995 , 1997 , Avi Shlaim