Søk: 'US Foreign Policy'
Accepting Population Control: Urban Chinese Women and the One-Child Family Policy
ISBN 9780700704378 , 1996 , Cecilia Nathansen Milwertz
Analytical Contribution Accounting: The Interface of Cost Accounting and Pricing Policy
ISBN 9780899302096 , 1987 , W. Georges, Robert W. McGee
Why You Need a Foreign Language - And How to Learn One: English Speaking Professionals and the Global Challenge
ISBN 9781591133346 , 2003 , Edward Trimnell
Workbook to Accompany Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy by Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini
ISBN 9780262522915 , 2000
Advances in Research and Theories of School Management and Educational Policy: 1995
ISBN 9781559387255 , 1995 , Samuel T. Bacharach, Rodney T. Ogawa
EC shipping policy: the 17th Nordic Maritime Law Conference, 2-4 September 1996
ISBN 9788275130523 , 1997 , Hans Jacob Bull, Helge Stemshaug
Drugs of Natural Origin: Economic and Policy Aspects of Discovery, Development, and Marketing
ISBN 9780789001238 , 1997 , Anthony Artuso
The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942
ISBN 9780099454823 , 2005 , Christopher R. Browning, Jurgen Matthäus
Women, drugs and policy in Sydney, London, and Amsterdam: a feminist interpretation
ISBN 9781856280426 , 1992 , Jane Wheelock, Cherrie Stubbs
South African Media Policy and Regulation: How it Impact on Private Commercial Broadcasting: The Case of E.TV -2006
ISBN 9783838373492 , 2010 , Francis Chisembe Chishala
It Doesn't End with Us: The Story of the Daily Cardinal : how a College Newspaper's Fight for Freedom Changed Its University, Challenged Journalism, and Influenced Hundreds of Lives
ISBN 9780788444470 , 2009 , Allison Hantschel
The Reach and Grasp of Policy Analysis: Comparative Views of the Craft
ISBN 9780817304645 , 1990 , Richard I. Hofferbert,m.fl.
Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization: The Roles of Optimum Currency Area, Sacrifice Ratios, and Labor Market Adjustment
ISBN 9781412807487 , 2008 , Ole Bjorn Roste
A Partnership of Nations: The British Approach to the European Union Intergovernmental Conference 1996
ISBN 9780101318129 , 1996 , Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Politics as Rational Action: Essays in Public Choice and Policy Analysis
ISBN 9789027710406 , 1980 , Evert Vedung, Leif Lewin
Dynamics and Policy Implications of the Global Reforms at the End of the Second Millennium
ISBN 9789004118478 , 2000 , Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasonga
The politics of persuasion: British policy and French African neutrality, 1940-1942
ISBN 9780819169839 , 1988 , Desmond Dinan
A Catalogue of the National Gallery of British Art at South Kensington: With a Supplement Containing Works by Modern Foreign Artists and Old Masters
ISBN 9781147128635 , 2010 , Kensington Museum South Kensington Museum
Environmental policy with political and economic integration: the European Union and the United States
ISBN 9781858982175 , 1996 , John B. Braden, Henk Folmer, Thomas S. Ulen
Spatial dynamics of European integration: regional and policy issues at the turn of the century
ISBN 9783540658177 , 1999 , Manfred M. Fischer, Peter Nijkamp
Economic Sanctions and American Diplomacy.
ISBN 9780876092125 , 1998 , Council on Foreign Relations, Richard N. Haass
Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others: Policy and Practice Developments Since the Early 1990s
ISBN 9781861780676 , 2004 , Karen Lyons, Brian Littlechild, Helen Masson
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521029841 , 2006 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
Australia's First Bill of Rights: The Australian Capital Territory's Human Rights Act - Law and Policy Paper 28
ISBN 9781862875807 , 2006 , Hilary Charlesworth, Gabrielle McKinnon,m.fl.
Balancing Family-Centered Services and Child Well-Being: Exploring Issues in Policy, Practice, Theory, and Research
ISBN 9780231112833 , 2001 , Elaine Walton, Patricia Sandau-Beckler,m.fl.
Balancing Family-Centered Services and Child Well-Being: Exploring Issues in Policy, Practice, Theory, and Research
ISBN 9780231112826 , 2001 , Elaine Walton, Patricia Sandau-Beckler,m.fl.
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521823333 , 2003 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
Communication and the Transformation of Economics: Essays in Information, Public Policy, and Political Economy
ISBN 9780813326719 , 1995
Studyguide for Immigration Policy and Security: U.S., European, and Commonwealth Perspectives, Vol. 1 by Terri E. Givens, ISBN 9780415990837
ISBN 9781428868519 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Comparative Public Policy: The Politics of Social Choice in America, Europe, and Japan
ISBN 9780312004934 , 1990 , Arnold J. Heidenheimer, Hugh Heclo,m.fl.