Søk: 'William Morris: The Art of Socialism'
Addison Gallery of American Art: 65 Years
ISBN 9781879886421 , 1996 , Avis Berman, Susan C. Faxon,m.fl.
Almanac of Higher Education 1995 (Paper Only)
ISBN 9780226184609 , 1995 , The Editors of The Chronicle of Higher Education
The art of staying together: a couple's guide to intimacy and respect
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20th Century Art
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Art and Thought
ISBN 9780631227144 , 2003 , Dana Arnold, Margaret Iversen
Art Deco
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Studyguide for The Worlds Religions: Worldviews and Contemporary Issues by William A Young, ISBN 9780131830103
ISBN 9781616544638 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Gothic Art: Glorious Visions
ISBN 9780131830608 , 2003 , Michael Camille
Inventing the Louvre: Art, Politics, and the Origins of the Modern Museum in Eighteenth-Century Paris
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Street art Norway: vol. 2
ISBN 9788293053125 , 2012 , Martin Berdahl Aamundsen, Øivin Horvei
Writing Art History: Disciplinary Departures
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Guanxi: (the Art of Relationships) : Microsoft, China, and Bill Gates' Plan to Win the Road Ahead
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Art in Theory 1900 - 2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
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How to be a domestic goddess: baking and the art of comfort cooking
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Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material, Selection in Product Design
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Film, A Sound Art
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The Ancient View of Greek Art: Criticism, History, and Terminology
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Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. Edited by Francis Katamba, William O'Grady, John Archibald
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The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
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Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art
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Bringing New Products to Market: The Art & Science of Creating Winners
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The Art of Chart Interpertation: A Step-by-Step Method for Analyzing, Synthesizing, and Understanding the Birth Chart
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Investigating Modern Art
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Art Nouveau: Symbolism and Art Nouveau in France
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African vision: the Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection
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