Søk: 'media'
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly
ISBN 9781118488768 , 2013
Foundations of Communication Policy: Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media
ISBN 9781572733435 , 2001 , Philip M. Napoli
As Media Studies: The Essential Revision Guide for Aqa: The Essential Revision Guide for Aqa
ISBN 9780415365703 , 2006 , Jo Barker, Peter Wall
Studyguide for Abnormal Psychology Media and Research Update by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, ISBN 9780073133690: 0073228737
ISBN 9781428813083 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Makt og medier: en innføring i mediesosiologi
ISBN 9788253024400 , 2002 , Thomas Mathiesen
Til dagsorden!: journalistikk, makt og demokrati
ISBN 9788205281202 , 2001 , Martin Eide
Kommunikasjon: bilde, tekst, lyd
ISBN 9788249204533 , 2003 , Tor Edvin Dahl
Impacts and Influences: Essays on Media Power in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780416006124 , 1987 , James Curran, Anthony Smith, Pauline Wingate,m.fl.
Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity, and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern
ISBN 9780415105705 , 1994 , Douglas M. Kellner
Atlantic communications: the media in American and German history from the seventeenth to the twentieth century
ISBN 9781859736791 , 2004 , Norbert Finzsch, Ursula Lehmkuhl
Klipp til-: struktur, organisering, redigering og klipp i dokumentarfilm
ISBN 9788279350521 , 2002 , Jan Toreg
E-learning in Europe - Learning Europe: How Have New Media Contributed to the Development of Higher Education?
ISBN 9783830915584 , 2005 , Ullrich Dittler, Helge Kahler, Michael Kindt,m.fl.
Beyond Cantua Creek: A Fascinating Series of Articles That Include National and International Events That Escaped Media Attention
ISBN 9781450233019 , 2010
South African Media Policy and Regulation: How it Impact on Private Commercial Broadcasting: The Case of E.TV -2006
ISBN 9783838373492 , 2010 , Francis Chisembe Chishala
Medias makt - "ofrenes" avmakt: om meenesker og media til ettertanke og refleksjon
ISBN 9788271471194 , 1994
A Perspective Look at Nonlinear Media: From Physics to Biology and Social Sciences
ISBN 9783540639954 , 1998 , Jürgen Parisi, Stefan C. Müller,m.fl.
Rape on trial: how the mass media construct legal reform and social change
ISBN 9780812215595 , 1995 , Lisa M. Cuklanz
Modernity, the Media and the Military: The Creation of National Mythologies on the Western Front 1914-1918
ISBN 9780415375054 , 2008 , John Williams
Assessing Media Education: A Resource Handbook for Educators And Administrators: Component 3: Developing an Assessment Plan
ISBN 9780805860948 , 2006 , William G. Christ
Media and the Make-believe Worlds of Children: When Harry Potter Meets Pokémon in Disneyland
ISBN 9780805851915 , 2005 , Dafna Lemish
Media and the Make-Believe Worlds of Children: When Harry Potter Meets Pokémon in Disneyland
ISBN 9780805851922 , 2005 , Dafna Lemish
Valeupack:Solomon:Consumer Behavior Enhanced Media Edition:A European Perspective/Essentials of Marketing Research/Companion Website Student Access Card:Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9781405892872 , 2007 , Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy,m.fl.
Children, television, and the new media: a reader of research and documentation in Germany
ISBN 9781860205675 , 1999 , Paul Lohr, Manfred Meyer
Den store TV-krigen: norsk allmennfjersyn, 1988-96
ISBN 9788276742756 , 1997 , Trine Syvertsen
No Sense of Place: The Impact of the Electronic Media on Social Behavior
ISBN 9780195042313 , 1985 , Joshua Meyrowitz
A+ Certification
ISBN 9780072121285 , 1999 , Inc. Syngress Media, McGraw-Hill Osborne
Media, Bureaucracies, and Foreign Aid: A Comparative Analysis of United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and Japan
ISBN 9781403962843 , 2004
Astronomy Active Learning In-Class Tutorials: Astronomy Active Learning In-Class Tutorials - Essential Cosmic Perspective Media Update
ISBN 9780805382969 , 2005 , Pearson, Marvin L. De Jong
Valuepack: University Physics with Modern Physics with Mastering Physics:(International Edition) with The Cosmic Perspective, Media Update
ISBN 9781405837095 , 2005 , Hugh D. Young, Jeffrey O. Bennett
How to Read a Film: The World of Movies, Media, and Multimedia : Language, History and Theory
ISBN 9780195038699 , 2000 , Monaco, James Monaco