Søk: 'Essentials of Fluid Mechanics'
Introduction to the Human Body, Illustrated Notebook: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
ISBN 9780471761044 , 2006 , Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson
e-Study Guide for: Casarett & Doulls Essentials of Toxicology by John B. Watkins III, ISBN 9780071622400
ISBN 9781467236034 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
The physiology of the joints annotated diagrams of the mechanics of the human joints
ISBN 9780443012099 , 1974 , Ibrahim Adalbert Kapandji
Online Course Pack: Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics with OneKey CourseCompass, Student Access Kit, Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics
ISBN 9781405836821 , 2005 , Wallace L. Fowler, Anthony Bedford
Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics
ISBN 9781402072857 , 2003 , Errol G. Lewars
Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics
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Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice [With CDROM and Access Code]
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SMARTFIRE: An Integrated Computational Fluid Dynamics Code of Expert Systems for Fire Field Modelling
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Classical Mechanics: Herbert Goldstein, Charles Poole, John Safko
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Essentials of Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise
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Boundary elements in nonlinear fracture mechanics
ISBN 9781853123351 , 1994 , V. Leitao
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics 13 SI edition MasteringEngineering with eText
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An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry
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Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature
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Microgravity Transport Processes in Fluid, Thermal, Biological and Materials Sciences
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Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume II: Viscoplasticity, Damage, Fracture and Contact Mechanics
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Introduction to thermal sciences: thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer
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Duality System in Applied Mechanics and Optimal Control
ISBN 9781402078804 , 2004 , Wan-Xie Zhong
A Maple Manual for Engineering Mechanics: Statics - Computational Edition
ISBN 9780495296065 , 2007 , Daniel Balint
Value Pack:World of the Cell:(International Edition) with Principles of Biochemistry:(International Edition) and Essentials of Genetics:(International Edition)
ISBN 9781405825856 , 2005 , W.M. Becker
Engineering Mechanics Statistics Mastering Engineering SI Access CD with Ebook
ISBN 9789810683955 , 2010 , Russell C. Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics SI - Study Pack
ISBN 9781405823784 , 2005 , A. Bedford
Studyguide for Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics by Anderson, ISBN 9780324145809: 0324145802
ISBN 9781428813502 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Studyguide for Essentials of Business Research Methods by Joseph F. Hair, ISBN 9780471271369: 0471271365
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Studyguide for Just the Essentials of Elementary Statistics by Johnson & Kuby, ISBN 9780534384722: 0534384722
ISBN 9781428813915 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition
ISBN 9780849342608 , 1995 , 2. utgave , Ted L. Anderson
Practice problems workbook [to accompany] Engineering mechanics: dynamics
ISBN 9780131271470 , 2004 , Russell Hibbeler
Valuepack:Brock Biology of Microorganisms and Student Companion Website Plus Grade tracker Access Card:International Edition/ Essentials of Genetics:International Edition
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A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics
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A Dictionary of Science: Comprising Astronomy, Chemistry, Dynamics, Electricity, Heat, Hydrodynamics, Hydrostatics, Light, Magnetism, Mechanics, Meteo
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