Søk: 'Evolution and Culture'
Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society
ISBN 9780195171600 , 2004 , Robert D. Putnam
The Nineteenth-century Visual Culture Reader
ISBN 9780415308663 , 2004 , Jeannene M. Przyblyski
The Nineteenth Century Visual Culture Reader
ISBN 9780415308656 , 2004 , Jeannene M. Przyblyski
Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering
ISBN 9780471629351 , 2006 , R. Ian Freshney, Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering
ISBN 9780471741817 , 2006 , R. Ian Freshney, Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
Studyguide for Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution by Kenneth Kardong, ISBN 9780073040585
ISBN 9781614905141 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Christ's Body: Identity, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Writings
ISBN 9780203990063 , 1996 , Sarah Beckwith
A Sealed and Secret Kinship: The Culture of Policies and Practices in American Adoption
ISBN 9781571810779 , 2002 , Judith Schachter Modell
A Sealed and Secret Kinship: The Culture of Policies and Practices in American Adoption
ISBN 9781571813244 , 2002 , Judith Schachter Modell
Culture and Social Change: Social Movements in Québec and Ontario
ISBN 9781895431285 , 1993 , Colin Leys, Marguerite Mendell
Dub in Babylon: Understanding the Evolution and Significance of Dub Reggae in Jamaica and Britain from King Tubby to Post-Punk
ISBN 9781845533113 , 2010 , Christopher Partridge
A Chinese Literary Mind: Culture, Creativity and Rhetoric in Wenxin Diaolong
ISBN 9780804736183 , 2001 , Zong-qi Cai
Advancing research on living and fossil cephalopods: development and evolution, form, construction, and function, taphonomy, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography, biostratigraphy, and basin analysis
ISBN 9780306459382 , 1999 , Frederico Oloriz, Francisco J. Rodriguez-Tovar,m.fl.
A Pilgrim in Chinese Culture
ISBN 9781570751523 , 1997 , Judith A. Berling, Paul F. Knitter, Nailene Wiest
The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
ISBN 9780765623553 , 2012 , Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik
Origins of Modern Witchcraft: The Evolution of a World Religion
ISBN 9781567186482 , 2000 , Aoumiel, Ann Moura
The Invention of Culture
ISBN 9780226869346 , 1981 , Roy Wagner
An Introduction to the Anthropology of Melanesia: Culture and Tradition
ISBN 9780521581868 , 1998 , Paul Sillitoe
Between Civilization and Barbarism: Women, Nation, and Literary Culture in Modern Argentina
ISBN 9780803231580 , 1992
What Objects Mean: An Introduction to Material Culture
ISBN 9781598744118 , 2009 , Arthur Asa Berger
Thought in a Hostile World: The Evolution of Human Cognition
ISBN 9780631188865 , 2003 , Kim Sterelny
Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture
ISBN 9780521703864 , 2007 , Jerry Evensky
A Floating Commonwealth: Politics, Culture, and Technology on Britain's Atlantic Coast, 1860-1930
ISBN 9780198227830 , 2008 , Christopher Harvie
We're Friends, Right?: Inside Kids' Culture
ISBN 9780309087292 , 2003 , National Academy of Sciences, William A. Corsaro
Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference
ISBN 9788213000598 , 1994 , Fredrik Barth
Medicine as culture: illness, disease and the body in Western societies
ISBN 9780761940296 , 2003 , Deborah Lupton
Antwerp & The World: Richard Verstegan and The International Culture Of Catholic Reformation
ISBN 9789058673473 , 2004 , Paul Arblaster
Class and Politics in Contemporary Social Science: Marxism Lite and Its Blind Spot for Culture
ISBN 9780202306896 , 2004
Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity, and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern
ISBN 9780415105705 , 1994 , Douglas M. Kellner
The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in the Eighteenth-century England
ISBN 9780300121391 , 2007 , Dror Wahrman