Søk: 'Film Genre Reader Three'
Blood of the Fold: Book Three of the Sword of Truth
ISBN 9780752806662 , 1997 , Terry Goodkind
A storm of swords: book three of A song of ice and fire
ISBN 9780553573428 , 2003 , George R. R. Martin
In the footsteps of champions: the University of Tennessee Lady Volunteers, the first three decades
ISBN 9781572336391 , 2008
Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress (Film Tie-In)
ISBN 9780099452249 , 2003 , Dai Sijie
The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
ISBN 9780813531724 , 2003 , Angela Dalle Vacche
Fortelling i film og tv-serier: analyse av dramaturgi og visuel utformning
ISBN 9788279351597 , 2004 , Audun Engelstad
The Spivak Reader: Selected Works of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
ISBN 9780415910019 , 1996 , Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Gerald MacLean
Arab, Muslim, Woman: Voice and Vision in Postcolonial Literature and Film
ISBN 9780203927724 , 2008 , Lindsey Moore
Beyond Bollywood: The Cultural Politics of South Asian Diasporic Film
ISBN 9780415966856 , 2004
Beyond Bollywood: The Cultural Politics of South Asian Diasporic Film
ISBN 9780415966849 , 2004
Contemporary American Independent Film: From the Margins to the Mainstream
ISBN 9780203312964 , 2004 , Chris Holmlund, Justin Wyatt, Christine Holmlund
Contemporary American Independent Film: From The Margins To The Mainstream
ISBN 9780415254878 , 2004 , Chris Holmlund, Justin Wyatt
Dmitri Shostakovich: A Life in Film: The Filmmaker's Companion 3
ISBN 9781850437093 , 2004 , John Riley
Dietrich's ghosts: the sublime and the beautiful in Third Reich film
ISBN 9780851708829 , 2007
Now a Major Motion Picture: Film Adaptations of Literature and Drama
ISBN 9780742538214 , 2007 , Christine Geraghty
De morka labyrinterna: gotiken i litteratur, film, musik och rollspel
ISBN 9789172470873 , 2003 , Mattias Fyhr
Kristusbilder: Kristustolkninger i litteratur, kirkekunst, musikk og film
ISBN 9788251911207 , 1992 , Renate Banschbach Eggen, Olav Hognestad,m.fl.
Greek and Gothic: Progress and Decay in the Three Arts of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting
ISBN 9781147093223 , 2010 , Richard John St. Tyrwhitt
European Menu Reader: For Eating Out in Over 25 Countries
ISBN 9789812461063 , 2003 , Berlitz Publishing
Approaches to Qualitative Research: A Reader on Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780195157741 , 2003 , Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Lina Leavy
Documentary: A History of the Non-fiction Film
ISBN 9780195078985 , 1993 , Erik Barnouw
French Film Theory and Criticism: A History-anthology
ISBN 9780691000626 , 1993 , Richard Abel
From Book to Screen: Modern Japanese Literature in Film
ISBN 9780765603876 , 1999 , Keiko I. McDonald
From Book to Screen: Modern Japanese Literature in Film
ISBN 9780765603883 , 1999 , Keiko I. McDonald
Major film directors of the American and British cinema
ISBN 9780934223591 , 1999 , Gene D. Phillips
Cinema And Semiotic: Peirce And Film Aesthetics, Narration, And Representation
ISBN 9780802039125 , 2004
Dmitri Shostakovich: A Life in Film: The Filmmaker's Companion 3
ISBN 9781850434849 , 2004 , John Riley
François Truffaut and Friends: Modernism, Sexuality, and Film Adaptation
ISBN 9780813537245 , 2006 , Robert Stam
Film Art: And an Introduction with the Movie Business Book
ISBN 9780077116668 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Creatures of Darkness: Raymond Chandler, Detective Fiction, and Film Noir
ISBN 9780813190426 , 2003 , Gene D. Phillips