Søk: 'Forward Soviet!: History and Non-Fiction Film in the USSR'
Christian Iconography: Or, the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages
ISBN 9781147430448 , 2010 , Margaret Stokes, Adolphe Napoleon Didron,m.fl.
Bad Girls of Pulp Fiction
ISBN 9780762412563 , 2002 , Running Press, Nancy Armstrong,m.fl.
Computer: A History of the Information Machine
ISBN 9780813345901 , 2013 , Martin Campbell-Kelly, William Aspray,m.fl.
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labor History
ISBN 9781571817877 , 2002
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labour History
ISBN 9781571813015 , 2002
The great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history
ISBN 9780394729275 , 1985 , Robert Darnton
Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel
ISBN 9780674091764 , 1997 , Frank Moore Cross
It's so French!: Hollywood, Paris, and the making of cosmopolitan film culture
ISBN 9780226742434 , 2007
Bollywood. Inkl. 4 CDs: The Passion of Indian Film and Music
ISBN 9783937406480 , 2005 , Silja Schriever-Klassen
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780077119317 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R. R. Palmer, Joel G. Colton
European Union History: Themes and Debates
ISBN 9780230232709 , 2010
Engaging film: geographies of mobility and identity
ISBN 9780742508859 , 2002 , Tim Cresswell, Deborah Dixon
Engaging film: geographies of mobility and identity
ISBN 9780742508842 , 2002 , Tim Cresswell, Deborah Dixon
Is there progress in economics?: knowledge, truth and the history of economic thought
ISBN 9781840646832 , 2002 , Stephan Boehm, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz
Cinema And Semiotic: Peirce And Film Aesthetics, Narration, And Representation
ISBN 9780802039125 , 2004
Deep History: A Study in Social Evolution and Human Potential
ISBN 9780791469309 , 2008 , David Laibman
Eye to Eye: Childhood: Growing Up in Africa, Asia and Latin America As Seen in Photos and Fiction from the Regions' Top Authors
ISBN 9781869847562 , 1998 , David Ransom
Colonialism in question: theory, knowledge, history
ISBN 9780520244146 , 2005 , Frederick Cooper
History of Neuroscience in Autobiography
ISBN 9780126604306 , 2004 , Larry R. Squire
A Hundred Years of Japanese Film: A Concise History, with a Selective Guide to DVDs and Videos
ISBN 9784770029959 , 2005
Kings, Chronicles and Genealogies: Studies in the Political History of Early Medieval Ireland and Wales
ISBN 9781900934091 , 2002 , David E. Thornton
Dead history, live art?: spectacle, subjectivity and subversion in visual culture since the 1960s
ISBN 9780853234388 , 2007 , Jonathan P. Harris, Tate Gallery Liverpool
Dead history, live art?: spectacle, subjectivity and subversion in visual culture since the 1960s
ISBN 9780853231899 , 2007 , Jonathan P. Harris, Tate Gallery Liverpool
Non-Life Insurance Pricing with Generalized Linear Models
ISBN 9783642107900 , 2010
The Cambridge Illustrated History of China
ISBN 9780521124331 , 2010 , Patricia Buckley Ebrey
Anthropology, History, and Education
ISBN 9780521452502 , 2007 , Immanuel Kant, Günter Zöller, Robert B. Louden
Studies in Jewish history
ISBN 9780275930356 , 1989
The doing and undoing of fiction: a study of "Joseph Andrews"
ISBN 9783261033741 , 1983 , Helen Bartschi
Drawn to Sound: Animation Film Music and Sonicity
ISBN 9781845533526 , 2010 , Rebecca Coyle
Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation
ISBN 9780691121161 , 2006 , Alexei Yurchak