Søk: 'Global Public Health: Ecological Foundations'
Policy Futures for UK Health
ISBN 9781846190032 , 2005 , Zoe Slote Morris, Linda Rosenstrom Chang,m.fl.
Perceiving, acting, and knowing: toward an ecological psychology
ISBN 9780470990148 , 1977 , John D. Bransford, Robert Shaw,m.fl.
Physical Examination and Health Assessment
ISBN 9780721697734 , 2004 , Carolyn Jarvis
A future for public ownership
ISBN 9780853158851 , 1999 , Malcolm C. Sawyer, Kathy O'Donnell
Contesting Global Governance
ISBN 9780521773157 , 2000 , Steve Smith, Thomas Biersteker, Chris Brown,m.fl.
Foundations of Knowledge Acquisition:: Machine Learning
ISBN 9780792392781 , 1993 , Susan F. Chipman, Alan L. Meyrowitz
Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective
ISBN 9780135153093 , 2008 , Joseph F. Hair, Barry J. Babin, Bill Black,m.fl.
Global Catholicism: Towards a Networked Church
ISBN 9781849042710 , 2012 , Ian Linden
English as a Global Language
ISBN 9780521530323 , 2003 , David Crystal
Health Care Economics
ISBN 9780471872795 , 1983 , Paul J. Feldstein
Effective Writing Skills For Public Relations
ISBN 9780749443818 , 2005 , John Foster
Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples
ISBN 9780471383659 , 2001
Social Work Methods and Skills: The Essential Foundations of Practice
ISBN 9780230575172 , 2011 , Karen Healy
Foucault, Health and Medicine
ISBN 9780415151788 , 1997 , Alan R. Petersen, Robin Bunton, Alan Peterson
Personal History and Health
ISBN 9781560003250 , 1997 , Leo Srole, Ernest Joel Millman
Strategy Process (Global Edition) with Corporation: Global Business Simulation
ISBN 9780582833159 , 2003 , Mintzberg, Jr. Smith, Jr.
A Guide to Health Informatics
ISBN 9780340764251 , 2003 , Enrico Coiera, Farah Magrabi, Vitali Sintchenko
Ecological Food Production: A Food Production Policy for Britain
ISBN 9781872452258 , 1990 , Michael Begon,m.fl.
Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation
ISBN 9780198526629 , 2006 , Andrew Briggs, Mark Sculpher, Karl Claxton
Jurgen Habermas: democracy and the public sphere
ISBN 9780745320885 , 2005 , Luke Goode
Foundations for Local Governance: Decentralization in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9783790820058 , 2008 , Fumihiko Saito
Foundations of Post-Keynesian Economic Analysis
ISBN 9781852788162 , 1994 , Marc Lavoie
Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis
Fox and Cameron's Food Science, Nutrition & Health
ISBN 9780340809488 , 2006 , Mike Lean, Brian A. Fox, Allan Gillies Cameron,m.fl.
Brief Guide: Global Warming
ISBN 9781845296605 , 2007 , Stephen Law, Jessica Wilson
Anglicanism: A Global Communion
ISBN 9780898693041 , 2005 , Andrew Wingate, Carrie Pemberton, Wilson Sitshebo,m.fl.
The Global Resistance Reader
ISBN 9780415335836 , 2005 , Louise Amoore
The Sociology of health and health care in Israel
ISBN 9780887383083 , 1990 , Aaron Antonovsky, Ernest Krausz
Business Planning in the Public Sector: Essential Skills for the Public Sector
ISBN 9781899448043 , 1997 , Jennifer Bean, Lascelles Hussey
Understanding Global News
ISBN 9780761957096 , 1997 , Jaap van Ginneken