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CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data
ISBN 9780849304637 , 2000 , Ramon D. Foltz, Thomas A. Penn, Robert C. Weast,m.fl.
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination compounds. Suppl. vol. E.
ISBN 9783540935155 , 1985 , Cornelius Keller, Karl-Christian Buschbeck
Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: A Guide to the Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet
ISBN 9780521637510 , 1999 , International Phonetic Association
Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students
ISBN 9780415384209 , 2006 , Stephen James Bailey
Zimbabwe Handbook: With Mozambique and Malawi
ISBN 9780900751936 , 2000 , Sebastian Ballard
How to Get a Job: A Handbook for International Job Seekers
ISBN 9788241703768 , Christian Schoyen
The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of Noise: Physiology, Psychology, and Public Health
ISBN 9780124274556 , 1994 , Karl D. Kryter
Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan: together with those of Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka
ISBN 9780195659429 , 2001 , Salim Ali, S. Dillon Ripley, 2nd
Handbook of Digital Photography: Everything You Need to Know to Take Stunning Photographs
ISBN 9781856058360 , 2004 , Geoffrey Hands
Clinical neuropsychology: a pocket handbook for assessment
ISBN 9781591472834 , 2005
Wi-Fi Handbook: Building 802.11b Wireless Networks
ISBN 9780071412513 , 2003 , Frank Ohrtman, Konrad Roeder, Franklin D. Ohrtman
Marketing Scales Handbook, Volume IV: Consumer Behavior
ISBN 9781587992056 , 2005
Design History: A Student's Handbook
ISBN 9780415084734 , 1987 , Hazel Conway
Strategic Advertising: A Practitioner's Handbook
ISBN 9780434902446 , 1989 , Judy Corstjens
A Handbook on Numerical Technique Lab (MATLAB Based Experiments)
ISBN 9788189866433 , 2009 , K.K. Mishra
Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy: Theoretical Foundations and Guidelines for Practice
ISBN 9780123814531 , 2010 , Aubrey H. Fine
Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
ISBN 9780470901038 , 2010 , Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws
ISBN 9780470170779 , 2008 , Dafydd Stuttard, Marcus Pinto
The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook ofLeadership Development w/ web
ISBN 9780470387399 , 2010 , Ellen Van Velsor
A Handbook for Classroom Instruction That Works
ISBN 9780131195059 , 2004 , Robert J. Marzano, Jennifer Norford,m.fl.
The worst-case scenario survival handbook: golf
ISBN 9780811834605 , 2002 , Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht, Brenda Brown,m.fl.
A handbook to guide educational institutions through the accreditation process: the ABCs of accreditation
ISBN 9780773462571 , 2004 , Kitty R. Coffey, Ellen M. Millsaps
RATS Handbook to Accompany Introductory Econometrics for Finance
ISBN 9780511451690 , 2008
Dairy Science and Technology Handbook: Principles and Properties
ISBN 9780470127063 , 2006 , Y. H. Hui
Fatigue handbook: offshore steel structures
ISBN 9788251906623 , 1985 , Almar Almar-Næss
Handbook of process chromatography: a guide to optimization, scale up, and validation
ISBN 9780126542660 , 1997 , Lars Hagel, G. K. Sofer
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Work
ISBN 9780811835756 , 2003 , Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht, Brenda Brown
The worst-case scenario survival handbook: travel
ISBN 9780811831314 , 2001 , Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht, Brenda Brown
A Handbook of Employments Specially Prepared for the Use of Boys and Girls on Entering the Trades, Industries, and Professions
ISBN 9781147804355 , 2010 , Maria M. Ogilvie Gordon
Devising theatre: a practical and theoretical handbook
ISBN 9780415049009 , 1996 , Alison Oddey