Søk: 'Mathematical intelligent learning environments'
Advanced Mathematical Tools in Metrology II: Oxford, U.K., 27-30 September 1995
ISBN 9789810226183 , 1996 , P. Ciarlini, M.G. Cox, F. Pavese, D. Richter
How to Solve it: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method
ISBN 9780691023564 , 1971 , George Polya
Rising to New Heights of Communication and Learning for Children with Autism: The Definitive Guide to Using Alternative-Augmentive Communication, Visual Strategies, and Learning Supports at Home and School
ISBN 9781849058377 , 2010 , Carol L. Spears, Vicki L. Turner
Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Learning in the Classroom
ISBN 9780631162025 , 1990 , Rod Ellis
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business IV: Learning in a Changing Environment
ISBN 9789048152780 , 2010 , Jeanette Hommes, Piet K. Keizer,m.fl.
Computer Concepts And C Programming : Holistic Approach To Learning C, 2/e
ISBN 9788120340671 , 2010 , 2. utgave
Building School-based Teacher Learning Communities: Professional Strategies to Improve Student Achievement
ISBN 9780807746790 , 2006 , Milbrey Wallin McLaughlin, Joan E. Talbert
Advancing Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory: With an Application to Social Dilemmas
ISBN 9783843361330 , 2010
Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning: A Research Annual. 1987
ISBN 9780892325825 , 1987 , Kenneth D. Lawrence, John B. Guerard Jr,m.fl.
French: Language Learning with a Beat with Book
ISBN 9781560154549 , 1993
Psychological aspects of learning disabilities & reading disorders
ISBN 9780070538450 , 1976 , Alan O. Ross
Campus Security Guard I: Test Preparation Study Guide, Questions & Answers
ISBN 9780837305653 , 1994 , National Learning Corporation
OpenGL programming guide: the official guide to learning OpenGL, version 2
ISBN 9780321335739 , 2005 , Dave Shreiner, OpenGL Architecture Review Board,m.fl.
Making learning visible : children as individual and group learners RE PZ
ISBN 9788887960259 , 2001
Adventure Stories for Reading, Learning and Literacy: Cross-Curricular Resources for the Primary School
ISBN 9780415559959 , 2010 , Mal Leicester, Roger Twelvetrees
Neural Smithing: Supervised Learning in Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks
ISBN 9780262181907 , 1999 , Russell D. Reed, Robert J. Marks II
Elementary Mathematics and Science Methods: Inquiry Teaching and Learning
ISBN 9780534515799 , 1999 , Gerald Foster
Brain Gym: Simple Activities for Whole Brain Learning
ISBN 9780942143058 , 1992 , Gail E. Dennison, Paul Ehrlich Dennison
Cooperative Learning in Mathematics: A Handbook for Teachers
ISBN 9780201232998 , 1990 , Neil Davidson
Models of Learning, Tools for Teaching. Bruce Joyce, Emily Calhoun and David Hopkins
ISBN 9780335234196 , 2008 , David Hopkins, Bruce R. Joyce, Emily Calhoun
Studyguide for Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications by Richard J. Larsen, ISBN 9780131867932: 0131867938
ISBN 9781428858213 , 2008 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
A Brief Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus: Designed Especially to Aid in Reading Mathematical Economics and Statistics
ISBN 9781147668650 , 2010 , Irving Fisher
A Brief Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus: Designed Especially to Aid in Reading Mathematical Economics and Statistics
ISBN 9781147747249 , 2010 , Irving Fisher
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill: Amendments to be Moved in Committee
ISBN 9780108463099 , 2009 , Great Britain: Parliament: House of Lords
Chatting to Learn: The Changing Psychology and Evolving Pedagogy of Online Learning
ISBN 9781934043721 , 2007 , James M. Hudson
Using Humor to Maximize Learning: The Links Between Positive Emotions and Education
ISBN 9781578867325 , 2007 , Mary Kay Morrison
A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education [electronic resource]: enhancing academic practice
ISBN 9780415434645 , 2008 , Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge
A Gentle Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9780821813393 , 1999 , Saul Stahl, American Mathematical Society
Educating for Human Dignity: Learning About Rights and Responsibilities
ISBN 9780812215243 , 1995 , Betty A. Reardon
The Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science
ISBN 9780060926717 , 2003 , Michael S. Schneider