Søk: 'Object-oriented analysis'
Data Theory and Dimensional Analysis
ISBN 9780803941786 , 1991 , William G. Jacoby,m.fl.
Conversation Analysis: Principles, Practices and Applications
ISBN 9780745615493 , 1998 , Ian Hutchby, Robin Wooffitt
Crash Course in Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
ISBN 9780470084625 , 2007 , Matan Feldman, Arkady Libman
Crash Course in Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
ISBN 9780470047019 , 2007 , Matan Feldman, Arkady Libman
Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
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Modeling and Interpreting Interactive Hypotheses in Regression Analysis
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Multi Pack:UML Distilled:A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language with The Unified Process Explained
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Digital Image Sequence Processing, Compression, and Analysis
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An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
ISBN 9780387242668 , 2006 , Tim Coelli, D.S. Prasada Rao,m.fl.
Analysis of Growth Factor Signaling in Embryos
ISBN 9780849331657 , 2006 , Amy Katherine Sater, Malcolm Whitman, Amy Sater
Financial Reporting and Analysis, Canadian Edition
ISBN 9780130130174 , 2001 , Daniel Collins, Lawrence Revsine,m.fl.
Ethnography: Analysis and writing in ethnography
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Complex Analysis Through Examples and Exercises
ISBN 9780792357872 , 1999 , Endre Pap
New Directions in the Analysis of Multimodal Discourse
ISBN 9780805851069 , 2006
Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research
ISBN 9780415258920 , 2003 , Norman Fairclough
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780072283655 , 2003 , David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson,m.fl.
Analysis of Ordinal Data
ISBN 9780803907959 , 1970 , David K. Hildebrand, James D. Laing,m.fl.
Further Insights into Contrastive Analysis
ISBN 9789027215352 , 1989 , Jacek Fisiak
Discrete Fourier Analysis and Wavelets: Applications to Signal and Image Processing
ISBN 9780470294666 , 2008 , S. Allen Broughton, Kurt M. Bryan
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data: Second Edition
ISBN 9780262232586 , 2008 , 2. utgave , Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Categorical Data Analysis for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
ISBN 9780203843611 , 2010 , Razia Azen, Cindy M. Walker
Media talk: conversation analysis and the study of broadcasting
ISBN 9780335209965 , 2006 , Ian Hutchby
Chemical reactor analysis and design
ISBN 9780471510444 , 1990 , Gilbert F. Froment, Kenneth B. Bischoff
Yet Another Introduction to Analysis
ISBN 9780521388351 , 1990 , Victor Bryant
Modern Genetic Analysis: Integrating Genes and Genomes
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Causal Analysis in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, Applications
ISBN 9781402099663 , 2009 , Henriette Engelhardt, Hans-Peter Kohler,m.fl.
Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
ISBN 9780080554228 , 2007 , Scott W. Menard
Spatial Data Analysis: An Introduction for GIS users
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Software testing and analysis: process, principles, and techniques
ISBN 9780471455936 , 2007 , Michal Young, Mauro Pezze
Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production Vol. I
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