Søk: 'Sams Teach Yourself iPhone Application Development in 24 Hours'
A Cautionary Tale: Failed U. S. Development Policy in Central America
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The Companion to Development Studies, 2nd Edition
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Can We Teach Children to Be Good?: Basic Issues in Moral, Personal and Social Education
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Air Cushion Craft Development
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Globalization, development and the mass media
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Religion and Development: Conflict or Cooperation?
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Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence
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The American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776-2011
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The Development of Social Cognition and Communication
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The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights
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Obstacles to the Development of Modern State and Sustainable Economic Growth in Iran
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The Development of Personality: Seminars in Psychological Astrology (Seminars in Psychological Astrology ; V. 1)
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Protected Areas and Regional Development in Europe: Towards a New Model for the 21st Century
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Child Development: A Practitioner's Guide
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Religion in America: an historical account of the development of American religious life
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Documenting individual identity: the development of state practices in the modern world
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Poles Together?: The Emergence and Development of Political Parties in Postcommunist Poland
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I racconti dei troll. Rolf Lidberg. Italiensk. 24 eks. med display
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Aid: understanding international development cooperation
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Development and Crisis of the Welfare State: Parties and Policies in Global Markets
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The Puzzle of Latin American Economic Development
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Religion and Development: Ways of Transforming the World
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Climate change adaptation and development : transforming paradigms and practices
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