Søk: 'The Software Optimization Cookbook: High-performance Recipes for IA-32 Platforms'
WAP, Bluetooth, and 3g Programming: Cracking the Code with CDROM
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Teaching Software Modelling in Academia and Industry: Proceedings of the Workshop Teach UML - an Interdisciplinary Workshop on Teaching Software Modelling with the Unified Modelling Language in Academia and Industry .
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Clinton St. Baking Company Cookbook: Breakfast, Brunch & Beyond from New York's Favorite Neighborhood Restaurant
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Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems: Workshop Held at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, May 8-12, 2000
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Studyguide for Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance by Williams, ISBN 9780072843835
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Business Performance Measurement: Unifying Theory and Integrating Practice
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Studyguide for Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance by Williams, ISBN 9780767417471
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