Søk: 'The political communication: reader'
Abstracting reality: art, communication, and cognition in the digital age
ISBN 9780761816676 , 2000 , Mark J. P. Wolf
A Schoenberg Reader: Documents of a Life
ISBN 9780300095401 , 2003 , Joseph Henry Auner
Business English and Communication
ISBN 9780070614208 , 1984 , McGraw-Hill, Marie M. Stewart, Kenneth Zimmer,m.fl.
My first reader: stories and rhymes
ISBN 9788203306341 , 1999 , Ragnhild Walaker, Angunn Leirstein Bøkenes,m.fl.
My first reader; stories and rhymes
ISBN 9788203141270 , 1999 , Ragnhild Walaker, Tove Laukeland, Angunn Bøkenes
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138619 , 2003 , Michael C. Dawson
Political anthropology: an introduction
ISBN 9780897892896 , 1992 , Ted C. Lewellen
The Yalom Reader: Selections from the Work of a Master Therapist and Storyteller
ISBN 9780465036103 , 1998 , Irvin D. Yalom
An Ong reader: challenges for further inquiry
ISBN 9781572734449 , 2002 , Thomas Farrell, Paul A. Soukup
Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780192803955 , 2003 , David Miller
Religion in Contemporary Japan
ISBN 9780333523223 , 1991 , Ian Reader
Essentials of Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780803973572 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
Political Science: A Comparative Introduction
ISBN 9781403967664 , 2004 , 4. utgave
Voices of wisdom: a multicultural philosophy reader
ISBN 9780534605704 , 2003 , Gary E. Kessler
A Horace Reader for Advanced Placement
ISBN 9780941051682 , 1998 , Henry V. Bender
Political Corruption: Concepts and Contexts
ISBN 9780765807618 , 2001 , Michael Johnston, Arnold J. Heidenheimer
Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
ISBN 9780073377797 , 2010 , Raymond V. Lesikar, Marie E. Flatley, Paula Lentz,m.fl.
Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
ISBN 9780071220972 , 2010 , Marie E. Flatley, Paula Lentz, Kathryn Rentz
What Is Religious Studies?: A Reader in Disciplinary Formation
ISBN 9781845530648 , 2013 , Steven J. Sutcliffe
Business and environmental policy: corporate interests in the American political system
ISBN 9780262113052 , 2007 , Michael E. Kraft, Sheldon Kamieniecki
Africa's development thinking since independence: a reader
ISBN 9780798301602 , 2002 , Africa Institute of South Africa
Communication And Social Cognition: Theories And Methods
ISBN 9780805853551 , 2007
History of Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780226777108 , 1987 , Leo Strauss, Joseph Cropsey
Dissent Events: Protest, Media and the Political Gimmick in Australia
ISBN 9780868406510 , 2002 , Sean Scalmer
Graded Italian Reader: Seconda Tappa
ISBN 9780669063257 , 1983 , Vincenzo Cioffari, Angelina Grimaldi Cioffari
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy
ISBN 9781605200149 , 2007 , Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Political Theory, Third Edition: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333961797 , 2004 , 3. utgave , Andrew Heywood
Challenging Liberalism: Feminism As Political Critique
ISBN 9780271028538 , 2006 , Lisa H. Schwartzman
The Political Lives Of Dead Bodies: Reburial and Postsocialist Change
ISBN 9780231112314 , 2000 , Katherine Verdery
World Political GeoCenter World Map
ISBN 9783575030115 , 2003 , Insight Guides,m.fl.