Søk: 'Theories of Vision from All-Kindi to Kepler'
How to Make Your Own Video Or Short Film: All You Need to Know to Make Your Ideas Shine
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Political risk and the multinational company: concepts, theories and evidence
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Conflict Management in Divided Societies: Theories and Practice
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Leadership Coaching: From Personal Insight to Organisational Performance
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A Cultural History of Humour: From Antiquity to the Present Day
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Braude's Treasury of Wit & Humor for All Occasions
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A History of Electricity; (The Intellectual Rise in Electricity) from Antiquity to the Days of Benjamin Franklin
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Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility: Theory and Management of Strabismus
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Image processing, analysis, and machine vision
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The Seat of the Soul: An Inspiring Vision of Humanity's Spiritual Destiny
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Queen Elizabeth I: A Vision Transcending Time
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Ise-Imgage Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision
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A concise history of England from Stonehenge to the microchip
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A History of Western Thought: From Ancient Greece to the Twentieth Century
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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: The Definitive Guide to Relationships
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Bio-inspired artificial intelligence: theories, methods, and technologies
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e-Study Guide for: Theories of Developmental Psychology by Patricia Miller, ISBN 9781429216340
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European integration: theories and approaches
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Debt, Innovations, and Deflation: The Theories of Veblen, Fisher, Schumpeter, and Minsky
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