Søk: 'US Foreign Policy'
Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die: The Interface of Social Science, Public Policy, and Medical Ethics
ISBN 9781591471028 , 2004 , Barry Rosenfeld
With God on Their Side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trampeled Science, Policy, and Democracy in George W. Bush's White House
ISBN 9781565849204 , 2004 , Esther Kaplan
Energy Dependency, Politics and Corruption in the Former Soviet Union: Russia's Power, Oligarchs' Profits and Ukraine's Missing Energy Policy, 1995-2006
ISBN 9780415437790 , 2007 , Margarita Mercedes Balmaceda
Cellular Physiology of Nerve and Muscle
ISBN 9781405103305 , 2002 , Prof Gary (suny At Stony Brook Us ) Matthews,m.fl.
Valuepack:International Economics:Theory & Policy plus MyEconLab Student Access Kit:Int Ed/Research Methods for Business Students/Business Finance:A Value Based Approach
ISBN 9781405887830 , 2007 , Paul R. Krugman, Mark N.K. Saunders, Philip Lewis,m.fl.
Nature and policy in Iceland, 1400-1800: an anthropological analysis of history and mentality
ISBN 9780198277286 , 1990 , Kirsten Hastrup
Current Developments in European Defence Policy: 20th Report of Session 2007-08 Report with Evidence: House of Lords Paper 145 Session 2007-08
ISBN 9780104013434 , 2008 , Bernan, John Francis Hodgess Roper Roper
The Child and the State in India: Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780691018980 , 1990 , Myron Weiner
Economics and national strategy in the information age: global networks, technology policy, and cooperative competition
ISBN 9780275948139 , 1994 , James R. Golden
Housing Policy and Housing Finance in the Czech Republic During Transition: An Example of the Schism Between the Still-Living Past and the Need of Reform
ISBN 9781607500582 , 2010 , Martin Lux
Business Or Pleasures: Free Enterprise; -Africa's Hope of an Economic Recovery. -The Determining Factor of Our Financial Future. -Helping Us to Liberate Our Gifts, So That We All Succeed in Business and Life
ISBN 9780595403837 , 2006 , Joseph Ager
The Official Correspondence Relative to the Negotiation for Peace, Between Great Britain and the French Republick, as Laid Before Both Houses of Parliament
ISBN 9781147877496 , 2010 , Ministere Des Affaires etrangeres, France,m.fl.
African higher education policy: a survey of sub-Saharan Africa : education and sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa
ISBN 9781573092937 , 1998 , Jerry Komia Domatob
Architects and Innovators/Architectes Et Innovateurs: Building the Department of Foreign and International Trade, 1909-2009/Le Développement Du Ministère Des Affaires Étrangères Et Du Commerce International, 1909-2009
ISBN 9781553392699 , 2010 , Greg Donaghy, Kim Richard Nossal
Architects and Innovators/Architectes Et Innovateurs: Building the Department of Foreign and International Trade, 1909-2009/Le Développement Du Ministère Des Affaires Étrangères Et Du Commerce International, 1909-2009
ISBN 9781553392705 , 2009 , Greg Donaghy, Kim Richard Nossal
Administrative Reform in China and Its Impact on the Policy-making Process and Economic Development After Mao: Reinventing Chinese Government
ISBN 9780773476141 , 2001 , Meiru Liu
Building an Innovative Economy in Europe: A Review of 12 Studies of Innovation Policy and Practice in Today's Europe
ISBN 9789289407885 , 2001 , European Communities
But the crackling is superb: an anthology on food and drink by fellows and foreign members of the Royal Society
ISBN 9780852743010 , 1988 , Nicholas Kurti, Giana Kurti,m.fl.
Johanna Billing: look behind us, a blue sky : [Ausstellung, "Forever changes", Kunstmuseum Basel, Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, Basel, Part 1: 8 September-28 October 2007, Part 2: 30 October-30 December 2007]; "Keep on doing", Dundee Contemporary Arts, D...
ISBN 9783775720700 , 2007 , Karl Holmqvist, Polly Staple, Philipp Kaisser,m.fl.
The Origins of International Economics: The emergence of Keynesian open-economy macroeconomics ; Absorption, elasticity, and monetary approaches to the foreign exchanges and balance of payments ; Fixed versus flexible exchange rates ; The Mundell-Flemi...
ISBN 9780415315647 , 2003 , Robert William Dimand
AIDS, Women, And the Next Generation: Towards a Morally Acceptable Public Policy for HIV Testing of Pregnant Women And Newborns
ISBN 9780195065725 , 1991 , Ruth R. Faden, Gail Geller, Madison Powers
A Study of Policy, Organization and Provision in Community Education and Leisure and Recreation in Three Scottish Regions
ISBN 9780902031999 , 1984 , D.J. Alexander, T.J.I. Leach, T.G. Steward,m.fl.
Norwegian-Norway Bible
ISBN 9788254102015 , 2000 , Det Norske Bibelselskaps, American Bible Society,m.fl.
The Bloody Flag: Post-Communist Nationalism in Eastern Europe : Spotlight on Romania
ISBN 9781560006206 , 1992 , Juliana Geran Pilon,m.fl.
International migration challenges in a new era: policy perspectives and priorities for Europe, Japan, North America and the international community : a report to the Trilateral Commission
ISBN 9780930503697 , 1993 , Doris M. Meissner, Robert D. Hormats,m.fl.
Choice Well Made: Users' Perceptions of Living in Residential Care
ISBN 9781901097405 , 2000 , Leonie Kellaher, Methodist Homes for the Aged,m.fl.
Confiscation and Money Laundering: Law and Practice : a Guide for Enforcement Authorities
ISBN 9780113411382 , 1997 , International Criminal Policy Division,m.fl.
Developing Biomarker-Based Tools for Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment: The State of the Science, Evaluation, Implementation, and Economics – Workshop Summary
ISBN 9780309101349 , 2006 , National Academy of Sciences, Sharyl J. Nass,m.fl.
Allocating Resources for Special Educational Needs Provision
ISBN 9780906730607 , 1994 , m.fl.
A Simple Economic Model of Cocaine Production/Rand/Rp-191
ISBN 9780833013842 , 1994 , Michael Kennedy, Peter Reuter, Kevin Jack Riley,m.fl.