Søk: 'media'
No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior
ISBN 9780195034745 , 1985 , Joshua Meyrowitz
Portrett-intervju: om metode og sjanger
ISBN 9788271471385 , 1995 , Hege Lamark
An Investigation of the Theory of the Commodity and Its Application to Critical Media Studies
ISBN 9780965856409 , 1997 , Jeffrey R. Young
Wise Children
ISBN 9780907016991 , 2007 , English and Media Centre, Lucy Webster,m.fl.
Semantic Multimedia: Second International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, SAMT 2007, Genoa, Italy, December 5-7, 2007, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540770336 , 2007 , Bianca Falcidieno, Michela Spagnuolo,m.fl.
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly
ISBN 9781118119648 , 2011
Ideology and the Image: Social Representation in the Cinema and Other Media
ISBN 9780253202567 , 1981 , Bill Nichols
Studying Blake's Songs
ISBN 9780907016878 , 2005 , English and Media Centre, Lucy Webster,m.fl.
Arts Development
ISBN 9780101553322 , 2002 , m.fl.
Arts Development
ISBN 9780215002594 , 2002 , m.fl.
Arts Development
ISBN 9780215002600 , 2002 , m.fl.
Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, C
ISBN 9781400107292 , 2008 , Johnny Heller, Dick Morris, Eileen McGann
Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, C
ISBN 9781400157297 , 2008 , Johnny Heller, Dick Morris, Eileen McGann
A Study of Audience Responses to the Media Discourse About the "Other": The Fear of Terrorism Between Australian Muslims and the Broader Community
ISBN 9780773437708 , 2010 , Anne Aly
Analysis of Social Media and Ubiquitous Data: International Workshops MSM 2010, Toronto, Canada, June 13, 2010, and MUSE 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 20, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
ISBN 9783642235986 , 2011 , Martin Atzmueller, Andreas Hotho,m.fl.
Online Course Pack:Operations Management/Project Management Media Edition with MS Project CD/Companion Website with GradeTracker Student Access Card:Operations Management 5e
ISBN 9781405888028 , 2007 , 5. utgave , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston, Stuart Chambers,m.fl.
Harmful Content on the Internet and in Video Games: Tenth Report of Session 2007-08, Vol. 2: Oral and Written Evidence
ISBN 9780215523372 , 2008 , m.fl.
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine how We See the Rest of the World
ISBN 9780679758907 , 1997 , Edward W Said
Safe Bet for Success: Modernising Britain's Gambling Laws
ISBN 9780101539722 , 2002 , m.fl.
Online Course Pack:Exploring Corporate Strategy Enhanced Media Edition, 7th Edition:Text Only/Interpretive Simulations Discount Voucher/Companion Website with Gradetracker:SAC:Johnson Exploring Corporate Strategy
ISBN 9781405887472 , 2007 , 7. utgave , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
Studying "All My Sons."
ISBN 9780907016977 , 2007 , English and Media Centre, David Kinder,m.fl.
Complete art curriculum activities kit: 150 easy-to-use art lessons in 8 exciting creative media for grades 1-8
ISBN 9780130425522 , 2001 , Barbara McNally Reuther, Diane Enemark Fogler
Online Course Pack:Solomon:Consumer Behaviour Enhanced Media Edition: A European Perspective/Critical Thinking in Consumer Behaviour:Cases & Experimential Exercises/Companion Website Student Access Card:Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9781405892865 , 2007 , Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy,m.fl.
The Cult of the Amateur: How Blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the Rest of Today's User-generated Media are Destroying Our Economy, Our Culture, and Our Values
ISBN 9781857885200 , 2008 , Andrew Keen
Exploring Corporate Strategy Revised Media Edition Text and Cases 7th Edition: Text and Cases with Companion Website with Gradetracker: Student Access Card: Johnson, Exploring Corporate Strategy
ISBN 9781405845991 , 2006 , 7. utgave , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
Online Course pack: Exploring Corporate Strategy Enhanced Media Edition Text and cases 7th Edition: text and cases/ organizational behaviour: An Introductory text/ companion website with gradetracker/ student access card
ISBN 9781405886376 , 2008 , 7. utgave , David Buchanan, Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes,m.fl.
Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Self-Serving Congress, Companies That Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us...and What to Do About It
ISBN 9780061547775 , 2009 , Dick Morris, Eileen McGann
Electron and Ion Transfer in Condensed Media: Theoretical Physics for Reaction Kinetics : Proceedings of the Conference Ictp, Trieste, Italy 15-19 July 1996
ISBN 9789810229290 , 1997 , A.A. Kornyshev, M.P. Tosi, J. Ulstrup
Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1997: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems : Proceedings of AI-ED 97, World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Kobe, Japan
ISBN 9789051993530 , 1997 , Benedict Du Boulay, R. Mizoguchi
Filtration in Porous Media and Industrial Application: Lectures Given at the 4th Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Cetraro, Italy, August 24-29, 1998
ISBN 9783540678687 , 2000 , Magne S. Espedal, Antonio Fasano, Andro Mikelic