Søk: 'American psycho (film tie-in)'
Christmas at the Movies: Images of Christmas in American, British and European Cinema
ISBN 9781860643972 , 2000
Short Stories on Film and Video
ISBN 9780872874244 , 1985 , Carol Ann Emmens
Standard British And American English: A Brief Overview
ISBN 9788762902947 , 2005 , Karol Janicki
A Mormon in the White House?: 10 things every American should know about Mitt Romney
ISBN 9781596985025 , 2007 , Hugh Hewitt
The sounds of american english
ISBN 9788279980148 , 2000 , Karl S. Hofsø, Karl Hofso
American art tile: 1876-1941
ISBN 9780847820986 , 1998
Charles Dickens' Great expectations: the relationship between text and film
ISBN 9780713679090 , 2008 , Brian McFarlane
Optimisation of Cu (In,Ga) Se2 Thin Film Solar Cells and Modules for Low-irradlance Conditions
ISBN 9783832236038 , 2004 , Alessandro Virtuani
Farewell, My Nation: The American Indian and the United States in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9780882959566 , 2000 , Philip Weeks
American public policy: promise and performance
ISBN 9781568029061 , 2004 , B. Guy Peters
Film quiz, hotshot!: en spørrebok om filmsitater
ISBN 9788251919098 , 2003 , Camilla AC Tepfers, Claude Marie Davidsen
Cold mountain: the journey from book to film
ISBN 9781557045935 , 2003 , Charles Frazier, Anthony Minghella, Dan Auiler,m.fl.
American political ideologies: an introduction to the major systems of thought in the 21st century
ISBN 9780786425853 , 2006
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9789814577090 , 2015 , Cozby, Bates
Audubon to Xántus: The Lives of Those Commemorated in North American Bird Names
ISBN 9780124874237 , 2003 , Barbara Mearns, Richard Mearns, Dana Gardner
American Medical Association Complete Medical Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780812991000 , 2003 , Jerrold B. Leikin
A Century of American Literature, 1776-1876
ISBN 9780559442377 , 2008 , Henry Augustin Beers
A Century of American Literature, 1776-1876
ISBN 9780559442353 , 2008 , Henry Augustin Beers
A Digest of English and American Literature
ISBN 9781147044669 , 2010 , Alfred Hix Welsh
Exploring Animal Behavior: Readings from American Scientist
ISBN 9780878938155 , 2010 , John Alcock, Paul W. Sherman
The American Pageant, Volume 2: Since 1865
ISBN 9780547166582 , 2008 , David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen,m.fl.
Understanding American Politics and Government 2010 Update
ISBN 9780205798315 , 2010 , John J. Coleman, Kenneth M. Goldstein,m.fl.
Understanding American Politics and Government, Alternate Edition
ISBN 9780205829347 , 2010 , John J. Coleman, Kenneth M. Goldstein,m.fl.
Understanding American Politics and Government, Brief Edition
ISBN 9780205829323 , 2010 , John J. Coleman, Kenneth M. Goldstein,m.fl.
Staging Modern American Life: Popular Culture in the Experimental Theatre of Millay, Cummings, and Dos Passos
ISBN 9780230115958 , 2011 , Thomas Fahy
A Bag Lady in the Throne Room of God: Unburdening Your Soul from a Rural American Perspective
ISBN 9781615076796 , 2011 , Stacey Brown
Foreign Affairs Strategy: Logic for American Statecraft
ISBN 9780521871914 , 2007 , Terry L. Deibel
Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938
ISBN 9780142004944 , 2011 , Stephen E. Ambrose
Accidental Genius: How John Cassavetes Invented the Independent Film
ISBN 9781401360139 , 2007 , Marshall Fine
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Dsm-5
ISBN 9780890425558 , 2013 , American Psychiatric Association