Søk: 'American ways'
Major problems in American foreign relations: documents and essays
ISBN 9780395938850 , 2000 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
A century of American sculpture: the Roman Bronze Works Foundry
ISBN 9780764315190 , 2002 , Lucy D. Rosenfeld
Business and Environmental Policy: Corporate Interests in the American Political System
ISBN 9780262612180 , 2007 , Michael E. Kraft,m.fl.
Studyguide for Perspectives on American Politics by Lasser, ISBN 9780618312009: 0618312005
ISBN 9781428824041 , 2007 , Lasser
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Vol.2
ISBN 9780393957389 , 1989 , Nina Baym
Cultural Trauma: Slavery and the Formation of African American Identity
ISBN 9780521004374 , 2001 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138602 , 2001 , Michael C. Dawson
The Future of the City of Intellect: The Changing American University
ISBN 9780804745314 , 2002 , Steven Brint
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
ISBN 9780912704579 , 1983 , American Psychological Association
A Token of My Affection: Greeting Cards and American Business Culture
ISBN 9780231118781 , 2004 , Barry Shank
Benjamin Franklin's vision of American community: a study in rhetorical iconology
ISBN 9781570035258 , 2004
American Furies: Crime, Punishment, and Vengeance in the Age of Mass Imprisonment
ISBN 9780807042229 , 2007
The Vietnam War in American Memory: Veterans, Memorials, and the Politics of Healing
ISBN 9781558496934 , 2009 , Patrick Hagopian
An American trade strategy: options for the 1990s
ISBN 9780815751793 , 1990 , Robert Z. Lawrence
Cinema of outsiders: the rise of American independent film
ISBN 9780814751237 , 1999
Embedded Liberalism and Its Critics: Justifying Global Governance in the American Century
ISBN 9781403971807 , 2006 , Jens Steffek
Jammin' at the Margins: Jazz and the American Cinema
ISBN 9780226277899 , 1996 , Krin Gabbard
Jammin' at the Margins: Jazz and the American Cinema
ISBN 9780226277882 , 1996 , Krin Gabbard
The Turning Word: American Literary Modernism and Continental Theory
ISBN 9780812216004 , 1996 , Joseph N. Riddel, Mark Bauerlein
A history of the American peace movement: from colonial times to the present
ISBN 9780773450929 , 2008 , Charles F. Howlett, Robbie Lieberman
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History
ISBN 9780072430950 , 2001
American Business and Political Power: Public Opinion, Elections, and Democracy
ISBN 9780226764641 , 2000
American Business and Political Power: Public Opinion, Elections, and Democracy
ISBN 9780226764627 , 2000
American Environmentalism: The U.S. Environmental Movement, 1970-90
ISBN 9780844817309 , 1992
The poverty of American politics: a theoretical interpretation
ISBN 9780877228783 , 1990
Class: a guide through the American status system
ISBN 9780671792251 , 1992
A Collection of Valuable Documents
ISBN 9781407659343 , 2012 , American Anti-Slavery Society
American datelines: major news stories from colonial times to the present
ISBN 9780252071164 , 2003
Emma Goldman: A Documentary History of the American Years, Volume One
ISBN 9780520086708 , 2003 , Emma Goldman, Candace Falk, Barry Pateman,m.fl.
Doing the rights thing: rights-based development and Latin American NGOs
ISBN 9781853395680 , 2003 , Maxine D. Molyneux, Sian Lazar,m.fl.