Søk: 'Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings'
Child development and social policy: theory and applications
ISBN 9780070727243 , 1999 , Edward Zigler, Nancy Wilson Hall
Media and Journalism: New Approaches to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780195560459 , 2008 , Liz Tynan
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412948777 , 2008 , Martin Kornberger
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412948784 , 2008 , Martin Kornberger
Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy
ISBN 9781609180454 , 2010
Applied Financial Econometrics: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780470242070 , 2008 , M. Avellaneda
Electromagnetic field theory and wave propagation
ISBN 9781842652732 , 2006 , Uma Mukherji
Political Theory and the Ecological Challenge
ISBN 9780521546980 , 2006 , Andrew Dobson, Robyn Eckersley
Handbook for Classical Research
ISBN 9780415425230 , 2010 , David M. Schaps
Analysing political discourse: theory and practice
ISBN 9780415314725 , 2003 , Paul Anthony Chilton
Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes
ISBN 9780415426657 , 2007
Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society
ISBN 9780761970705 , 2005 , David Holmes
Classics of Moral And Political Theory
ISBN 9780872207769 , 2005
Fuzzy Controller Design: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780849337475 , 2005 , Zdenko Kovacic, Stjepan Bogdan
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780321269928 , 2005 , Theodore H. Cohn
Communication theory: media, technology and society
ISBN 9780761970699 , 2005 , David Holmes
Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781118112724 , 2014 , Marvin Rausand
Explorations in Investigative Psycology and Contemporary "Offender Profiling"
ISBN 9781905894000 , 2006 , D.V. Canter
Corporate Finance Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780471252245 , 1998 , Aswath Damodaran, John Shao
Comparative Politics: Theory and Methods
ISBN 9780333660195 , 1998 , B. Guy Peters
Comparative Politics: Theory and Method
ISBN 9780814766675 , 1998 , Prof B Guy Peters
Leisure Education: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781571670359 , 1998 , Jean Mundy
Readings in Modern Philosophy: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz and Associated Texts
ISBN 9780872205345 , 2000 , Roger Ariew, Eric Watkins
Digital Art and Meaning: Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations
ISBN 9780816667383 , 2011 , Roberto Simanowski
College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice
ISBN 9780470448427 , 2010
A Brief Text-Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy
ISBN 9781596053045 , 2005 , Charles Coppens Reverend
Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing
ISBN 9780868406473 , 2005 , Peter Knapp, Megan Watkins
A Dictionary of Urdu Classical Hindi and English Part 2
ISBN 9780766192317 , 2004 , John T. Platts
Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment
ISBN 9780471124443 , 1996 , Ronald L. Droste
Contemporary America
ISBN 9780230576902 , 2009 , Joseph Goddard, Russell Duncan