Søk: 'Concepts in Film Theory'
Strategic Managment: A Dynamic Perspective: Concepts
ISBN 9780131453548 , 2006 , Gerry Sanders, Mason Andrew Carpenter,m.fl.
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781412903721 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis
ISBN 9780471356059 , 2001 , Michael E. Plesha, David S. Malkus,m.fl.
Leadership : theory and practice
ISBN 9781506311166 , 2015 , Peter Guy Northouse
Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9780393918380 , 2013 , Joel Watson
Film och regional utveckling i Norden
ISBN 9789185051137 , 2005 , Margareta Dahlström
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film
ISBN 9780415771665 , 2008 , Paisley Livingston, Carl Plantinga
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film
ISBN 9780203879320 , 2008 , Paisley Livingston, Carl Plantinga
Girls: feminine adolescence in popular culture and cultural theory
ISBN 9780231119122 , 2002 , Catherine Driscoll
Girls: feminine adolescence in popular culture and cultural theory
ISBN 9780231119139 , 2002 , Catherine Driscoll
ISBN 9780760054499 , 1998 , June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja
Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071158213 , 1998 , Richard A. Magill
Organizational Theory and Design
ISBN 9781844809905 , 2010 , Hugh Willmott, Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
Essential Guide to Operations Management: Concepts and Case Notes
ISBN 9780470749494 , 2009 , Paul Forrester
A short guide to writing about film
ISBN 9780321412287 , 2007 , Timothy Corrigan
International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780321553980 , 2008 , Maurice Obstfeld, Paul Robin Krugman
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Fire Engineering: Theory, Modelling and Practice
ISBN 9780750685894 , 2009 , Guan Heng Yeoh, Kwok Kit Yuen
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity: With Modern Applications in Cosmology
ISBN 9780387691992 , 2007 , Øyvind Grøn, Sigbjørn Hervik
Moving Viewers: American Film and the Spectator's Experience
ISBN 9780520256965 , 2009 , Carl Plantinga
America on film: representing race, class, gender, and sexuality at the movies
ISBN 9781405170550 , 2009
Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases
ISBN 9780077137236 , 2013 , III A. J. Strickland, John E. Gamble,m.fl.
Statistical Concepts and Methods
ISBN 9780471072041 , 1977 , Gouri K. Bhattacharyya, Richard Arnold Johnson
Litteratur og film i klasserommet: didaktikk for ungdomstrinn og videregående skole
ISBN 9788215015071 , 2010 , Sylvi Penne
Sectoral Systems of Innovation: Concepts, Issues and Analyses of Six Major Sectors in Europe
ISBN 9780521111386 , 2009 , Franco Malerba
Elementary Number Theory
ISBN 9780321717757 , 2010 , Kenneth H. Rosen
Elementary Number Theory
ISBN 9780073383149 , 2010 , David M. Burton
Theory of Addiction
ISBN 9781405113595 , 2006
Performance Theory
ISBN 9780415314558 , 2003 , Richard Schechner
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072817188 , 2003 , George Ritzer, Douglas Goodman
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4: complete concepts and techniques
ISBN 9780538745659 , 2010 , Gary B. Shelly, Dolores J. Wells