Søk: 'Creativity and Practice Research Papers'
Motivation in education: theory, research, and applications
ISBN 9780130160096 , 2002 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich
What is research?: methodological practices and new approaches
ISBN 9788215007700 , 2005 , Jeanette Rhedding-Jones
The Materiality of Learning: Technology and Knowledge in Educational Practice
ISBN 9780521182713 , 2011 , Estrid Sorensen
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780137041374 , 2009 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
Handbook for Classical Research
ISBN 9780415425230 , 2010 , David M. Schaps
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781439081013 , 2010 , Dawn Iacobucci, Gilbert Churchill
Public Health and Health Promotion: Developing Practice
ISBN 9780702026614 , 2005 , Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (MSc.)
Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412919005 , 2005 , John Storey, Graeme Salaman, Jon Billsberry
Lived religion: faith and practice in everyday life
ISBN 9780195172621 , 2008 , Meredith B. McGuire
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780787980580 , 2006 , Morton Deutsch, Peter T. Coleman, Eric C. Marcus
Critical Thinking: Understanding and Evaluating Dental Research
ISBN 9780867154269 , 2007 , Donald Maxwell Brunette
Trends in Communication Policy Research: New Theories, Methods and Subjects
ISBN 9781841504674 , 2011 , Manuel Puppis, Natascha Just
Marketing Research with SPSS
ISBN 9780273703839 , 2008 , Patrick De Pelsmacker
The foundations of social research: meaning and perspective in the research process
ISBN 9780761961055 , 1998 , Michael Crotty
Constructing Risk and Safety: In Technological Practice
ISBN 9780415285711 , 2002 , Alan Partington, Jane Summerton, Boel Berner
Ethical business leadership: balancing theory and practice
ISBN 9780820457109 , 2002 , Sherwin Klein
The practice of system and network administration
ISBN 9780201702712 , 2002 , Thomas A. Limoncelli, Christine Hogan,m.fl.
Business Performance Measurement: Unifying Theory and Integrating Practice
ISBN 9780521855112 , 2007 , Andy D. Neely
Bridging Research and Policy: Context Evidence and Links
ISBN 9780850036060 , 2002 , Emma Crewe, John Young
Perspectives on Disability and Rehabilitation: Contesting Assumptions, Challenging Practice
ISBN 9780443100598 , 2006 , Karen Whalley Hammell
Designing and Constructing Instruments for Social Research and Evaluation
ISBN 9780787987848 , 2007 , Robert W. Covert, David Colton
An Ethical Approach to Practitioner Research: Dealing With Issues and Dilemmas in Action Research
ISBN 9780415430876 , 2007 , Anne Campbell, Susan Groundwater-Smith
Contexts of Physiotherapy Practice
ISBN 9780729538862 , 2008 , Gillian Webb, Margot Skinner
Understanding Social Work: Preparing for Practice
ISBN 9780230221802 , 2009 , Neil Thompson
Authentic Leadership Theory And Practice: Origins, Effects And Development
ISBN 9780762312375 , 2005 , William L. Gardner, Bruce J. Avolio,m.fl.
Dispute processing and conflict resolution: theory, practice and policy
ISBN 9780754623052 , 2003 , Carrie Menkel-Meadow
The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice
ISBN 9781583918623 , 2007 , Alan Carr, Patricia Noonan-Walsh
Research in Psychotherapy
ISBN 9780202309897 , 2008 , Julian Meltzoff, Melvin. Kornreich
Rethinking the Case Study in International Business and Management Research
ISBN 9780857933331 , 2012 , Rebecca Marschan-Piekkari, Catherine Welch
Combinatorial Algorithms Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780131524545 , 1977 , Edward M. Reingold