Søk: 'Domain-driven Design'
The Elements of User Interface Design
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Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, International Student Ve
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Design History: A Student's Handbook
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Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture, and Design
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Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor
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Acting with technology: activity theory and interaction design
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Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
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Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms: Theory, Design and Practice
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The Advertising Concept Book: Think Now, Design Later
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Control System Design Guide: A Practical Guide
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Object-oriented Modeling and Design with UML
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Design for Six Sigma: A Roadmap for Product Development
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The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action
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Improving Survey Questions: Design and Evaluation
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Electricity Distribution Network Design, 2nd Edition
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Linear System Theory and Design
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Performance by Design: Computer Capacity Planning by Example
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Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method
ISBN 9780471698685 , 2008 , Don A. Dillman, Leah Melani Christian
Technical Design Graphics: Problem Solvers
ISBN 9780878915347 , 1984 , Research and Education Association
Garden History: Philosophy And Design 2000 Bc - 2000 Ad
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Ri CD Rom Microelectric Circuit Design
ISBN 9780072928785 , 1997 , Jaeger
Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples
ISBN 9780471383659 , 2001
Computer-Aided Pattern Design and Product Development
ISBN 9781405102834 , 2003 , Alison Beazley, Terry Bond