Søk: 'Dreaming in the Middle Ages'
Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren't the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room
ISBN 9780465085965 , 2014 , David Weinberger
A Gilgamesh Play for Teen Readers: A Tale of the First Myth & Legend of Ancient Mesopotamia for Middle & High Schoolers
ISBN 9781440110306 , 2009 , Jerry L. Parks
Public Management in the Twenty-First Century: Trends, Ideas and Practices
ISBN 9788215021997 , 2013 , Erik Johnsen, Tor Busch, Jan Ole Vanebo,m.fl.
A Bell in the Storm - Persistent Unexplained Pain and the Language of the Uncanny in the Creative Neurophenomenal Reference
ISBN 9783639106220 , 2008 , David Buchanan
The mermaids singing: The wire in the blood
ISBN 9780007645763 , 2001 , Val McDermid
The Killing Zone: The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America
ISBN 9780195333237 , 2011 , Stephen G. Rabe
Getting the Builders In: And Staying in Control
ISBN 9780716030126 , 2002 , Paul J. Grimaldi
Mission to the World: Communicating the Gospel in the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Knud Jørgensen
ISBN 9781870345644 , 2008 , Tormod Engelsviken, Ernst Harbakk, Rolv Olsen,m.fl.
Gilbert and Gubar's the Madwoman in the Attic After Thirty Years
ISBN 9780826219275 , 2011 , Sandra M. Gilbert
Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The Limits of Political Ambition?
ISBN 9781847424655 , 2009 , Kari Melby, Christina Carlsson Wetterberg
Ethics in the World Religions
ISBN 9781851682478 , 2001 , Nancy M. Martin, Joseph Runzo
Arabic in the City: Issues in Dialect Contact and Language Variation
ISBN 9780415773119 , 2007 , Catherine Miller, Dominique Caubet, Janet Watson,m.fl.
A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion
ISBN 9781405136150 , 2008 , Michael Lambek
British Political Theory in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781405199995 , 2010 , Paul Kelly
The Most Wanted Man in the World
ISBN 9780333906279 , 2003 , Matthew Reilly
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
ISBN 9780670913718 , 2003 , Peter Elkind, Bethany McLean
The Ugliest House in the World: Stories
ISBN 9781862073425 , 2003 , Peter Ho Davies
The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age
ISBN 9780415254090 , 2001 , Frances A. Yates
Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, United Kingdom Edition
ISBN 9781449649296 , 2013 , College of Paramedics
Adventures in Oz: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, the Road to Oz, the Emerald City of Oz
ISBN 9781604590166 , 2007 , L. Frank Baum
Theory in a Nutshell
ISBN 9780070278431 , 2010 , Elizabeth Harris, Don Nutbeam, Marilyn Wise
Music in the Post-9/11 World
ISBN 9780415978071 , 2007 , Jonathan Larry Ritter, James Martin Daughtry
The Sword of Shannara: In the Shadow of the Warlock Lord: In the Shadow of the Warlock Lord
ISBN 9780345461469 , 2003 , Terry Brooks
Literacy in the New Media Age
ISBN 9780415253567 , 2003 , Gunther R. Kress
Unsettled Account: The Evolution of Banking in the Industrialized World since 1800
ISBN 9780691139050 , 2010 , Richard S. Grossman
Geographies of Development in the 21st Century: An Introduction to the Global South
ISBN 9781847209658 , 2008 , Sylvia H. Chant, Cathy McIlwaine
Human Rights, Revolution, and Reform in the Muslim World
ISBN 9781588268013 , 2012 , Anthony Chase
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
ISBN 9780099496939 , 2005 , Mark Haddon
Human Rights in Our Own Backyard: Injustice and Resistance in the United States
ISBN 9780812205145 , 2011 , William T. Armaline, Davita Silfen Glasberg,m.fl.
Software Architecture in Practice
ISBN 9780321815736 , 2012 , Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman